We show analytically and numerically that the spectrum of high harmonics
produced when a relativistically intense laser pulse interacts with an
overdense plasma surface is a slow decaying power law In/I0 ~ 1/n-8/3. This
spectrum has been recently confirmed in the experiment done by Dromey et al
on the VULCAN laser [1]. The high harmonics emerge as a train of
(sub-)attosecond pulses [2]. Laser polarization control allows to select a
single attosecond pulse out of this train [3].
[1] Dromey, B. et al. "High harmonic generation in the relativistic Limit,"
Nature Phys. 2, 456-459 (2006).
[2] A. Pukhov X-rays in a flash, Nature Phys. 2, 439 (2006)
[3] T. Baeva, S. Gordienko, A. Pukhov, "Theory of high harmonic generation in
relativistic laser interaction with overdense plasma," arXiv:physics/0604228
v1, 28 Apr (2006)
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