The dynamics of molecular electrons in a strong laser fielddiffers from that in atoms in several important aspects: for largermolecules, in general, several electrons equally interact with theexternal field, time scales can be comparable to the 800 nm laser cycle,and electronic wave functions may be delocalized. For attosecondphysics this has important consequences. The single-active-electronapproximation becomes questionable and with it much of ourknowledge about laser ionization. For commonly used laserintensities the limit between multi-photon and tunnelionization may be pushed to much longer wavelength.Finally, emitted and re-colliding electron wavepacketsand harmonic radiation reflect the multi-centeredbound electron orbital.
We have developed the MCTDHF method for the fully correlatedtreatement of molecular electrons [1-3]. The method will bebriefly introduced and basic effects of correlation willbe pointed out. We show the time and momentum structure of electronemission and re-collision. In simple models a dramatic effectof orientation and orbital symmetry on the re-colliding electronsis found [4].
[1] J. Zanghellini, M. Kitzler, T. Brabec, and A. Scrinzi,J. Phys. B37, 763 (2004)
[2] J. Caillat, J. Zanghellini, M. Kitzler, O. Koch, W. Kreuzer,and A. Scrinzi, Phys. Rev. A 71, 12712 (2005)
[3] G. Jordan, C. Ede, J. Caillat, and A. Scrinzi,J. Phys. B39, 341 (2006)
[4] Xinhua Xie, G. Jordan, M. Wickenhauser, and A. Scrinzi, J. Mod. Opt.Special Issue on \\"Ultra-Fast Dynamic Imaging of Matter\\", submitted.
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