Authors: Junjun Liu and Tapio Schneider
The zonal flow in Jupiter's troposphere is organized into alternating retrograde
and prograde jets, with a prograde (superrotating) jet at the equator. Existing theories and
models cannot account for the jets in an energetically consistent manner. Here we propose
that baroclinic eddies generated by differential radiative heating are responsible for the
off-equatorial jets, and that equatorial waves generated by intrinsic convective heat fluxes
are responsible for the equatorial superrotation. The zonal flow extends downward in the
atmosphere, with its speed changing with depth, up to depths at which
magnetohydrodynamic drag acts. This is supported by simulations with an energetically
consistent general circulation model of Jupiter's outer atmosphere that incorporates
radiative processes and intrinsic heat fluxes. The simulations reproduce Jupiter's observed
jets and thermal structure and make predictions about as-yet unobserved aspects thereof.
The mechanisms proposed likely act in the atmospheres of all giant planets.