Schedule Apr 15, 2024
Big science in Latin America: accelerate particles and progress
Leo Violini, CIF, Bogota
Cite as: doi:10.26081/K6S70D

The latest developments of the proposal of a second Latin American Synchrotron in the Greater Caribbean (GCLS) are presented. Besides discussing how such a facility is needed to respond to Latin American science priorities, the problems for its implementation will be examined. They are very similar to those faced by the African Light Source (AfLS), training of users, ensuring sustainable financing, possibility of international financial support and role of international organization. This perspective of South-South cooperation has attracted the attention and support of other similar facilities, like SESAME and LNLS, that can play a major role for training and in the case of GCLS for the design of the project. The developments of the corresponding actions, aimed to get political support from the governments of the region and from international organization, primarily UNESCO will be presented. Their success may be favored by the current political scenarios in either region, that will be commented. As a conclusion the road map for the next couple of years will be presented.

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