Topological Superconductivity is a topic of current interest because of its potential
for providing a method to reliably store and manipulate quantum information. The
most basic topological superconductor has an underlying Ising topological order, in
which zero energy Majorana quasiparticle states are associated with topological
defects. We will review recent experimental progress towards realizing those states
in one and two dimensional superconducting devices. Ising topological order is too
simple to allow universal quantum computation, but the richer Fibonacci topological
order is in principle sufficient. We will formulate a theory of a Fibonacci phase of
a topological superconductor based on a solvable model of interacting Majorana
fermions. This theory provides new insight into the nature of the Fibonacci phase,
and predicts a closely related "anti-Fibonacci" phase. We show that Majorana
fermions can split into a pair of Fibonacci anyons, and propose an interferometer that
directly probes Fibonacci non-Abelian statistics.