May 4, 2000
Tunneling between the Edges of Two Quantum Hall Systems
Dr. Woowon Kang, Univ Chicago
In an ideal two-dimensional electron system (2DES) in the quantum Hall
effect (QHE) regime, quantization of the Hall resistance, Rxy=
h/Ne2, arises from occupation of N one-dimensional edge channels. As a
prototypical one-dimensional electronic system, the physics of edge states
in the QHE regime is of considerable theoretical and experimental interest.
In this talk, we present our study of tunneling between two counter-flowing
edge states separated by a barrier with high integrity. By embedding a thin,
precise barrier in the plane of a 2DES, we have successfully fabricated an
in-plane tunneling device in which two 2DES's are separated by an atomically
precise barrier on the order of magnetic length. The tunneling between two
edge states in the quantum Hall regime is distinguished by a rich spectrum
of tunneling gaps and conductance peaks. While these results indicate
formation of new energy gaps and an intriguing dispersion relation for
electrons traveling along the barrier, absence of tunneling features due to
the electron spin and the persistence of a conductance peak at zero bias are
not --
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