Time |
Speaker |
Title |
7/19, 1:00pm |
Otto Cordero
Review: Microbes in the environment[Slides][Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/20, 1:00pm |
Devaki Bhaya
Carnegie Institution |
Review: Diversity, dynamics and defense in microbial mat communities[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/20, 3:00pm |
Daniel Segre
BU |
Review: Introduction to metabolic networks[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/21, 1:00pm |
KC Huang
Stanford |
Assembly and robustness of communities of gut commensals[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/21, 3:00pm |
Pankaj Mehta
BU |
Modeling microbial ecosystems[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/22, 1:00pm |
Terry Hwa
Microbial physiology[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/22, 3:00pm |
Wenying Shou
Synthetic microbial communities: why use them?[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/23, 1:00pm |
Jonathan Friedman
Hebrew Univ. |
Predicting the Structure of Microbial Communities[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/23, 3:00pm |
Andrew Murray
Harvard |
Evolution, eukaryotes, and organelles[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/26, 1:00pm |
Ben Good
Stanford |
Eco-evolutionary feedbacks in the gut microbiome[Slides][Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/26, 3:00pm |
Terry Hwa
Taking a close look into metabolic crossfeeding[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/27, 1:00pm |
Dianne Newman
Avi Flamholz
(Caltech) |
Microbial energy conservation when O2 is scarce: ubiquity, importance and mechanisms[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/27, 3:00pm |
Oskar Hallatschek
UC Berkeley |
Jam and conquer[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/28, 1:00pm |
Seppe Kuehn
U. of Chicago |
The structure/function problem in microbial communities[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/28, 3:00pm |
Karna Gowda
Univ. of Chicago |
Short Talk: Pathway splitting in denitrifying bacterial communities.[Slides][Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/28, 3:30pm |
Sri Srikant
Short Talk: Bacteriophage evolution constrained by bacterial host genomes[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/29, 1:00pm |
Ben Callahan
NC State |
Metagenomic Measurements of Microbial Communities[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/29, 3:00pm |
Ned Wingreen
Princeton |
Why cross-feeding? Guidance from simple models, Part I[Slides][Protected][Video] |
7/29, 4:00pm |
Ned Wingreen
Princeton |
Why cross-feeding? Guidance from simple models, Part II[Slides][Video] |
7/30, 1:00pm |
Daniel Fisher
Stanford |
Why is there so much fine-scale microbial diversity?[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/30, 3:00pm |
Kaumudi Prabhakara
Univ. of Chicago |
Nutrient availability controls coupling between algae and bacteria[Video][CC][Transcript] |
7/30, 3:45pm |
Alexander Petroff
Clark Univ. |
Motion of Multicellular Magnetotactic Bacteria[Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/02, 1:00pm |
Susan Holmes
Stanford |
Microbial communities as topics: a solution to strain switching?[Slides][Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/02, 3:00pm |
Rachel Dutton
The secret life of cheese[Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/03, 1:00pm |
Jay Lennon
Indiana |
Microbial seed banks: complexity emerging from dormancy[Slides][Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/03, 3:00pm |
Mikhail Tikhonov
Washington University |
The challenge for eco/evo theory: looking for the right variables[Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/04, 1:00pm |
Maren Friesen
Washington State |
Why do bacteria fix nitrogen? Ecological, evolutionary, and economic perspectives[Slides][Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/04, 3:00pm |
Sergei Maslov
Univ. of Illinois |
Alternative stable states, regime shifts, and priority effects in microbial communities[Slides][Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/05, 1:00pm |
Alexander Petroff
Clark Univ. |
Motion of Multicellular Magnetotactic Bacteria[Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/05, 3:00pm |
Alfred Spormann
Stanford |
How Low Life Can Microbial Life Be[Video][CC] |
8/06, 1:00pm |
Detlef Weigel
How plant genetics taught me to love microbes[Slides][Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/06, 3:00pm |
Martina Dal Bello
Microbial community ecology through a metabolic lens[Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/09, 1:00pm |
Alan Perelson
Within host modeling of SARS-CoV-2 infection[Slides][Video] |
8/09, 3:00pm |
Shenshen Wang
Flexible molecular recognition and eco-evolutionary feedback underlie virus-immunity coevolution[Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/10, 1:00pm |
Alvaro Sanchez
Yale |
Evolutionary engineering of microbial community functions[Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/10, 3:00pm |
Akshit Goyal
Interactions between strains govern the eco-evolutionary dynamics of microbial communities[Video][CC][Transcript] |
8/11, 1:00pm |
Martin Polz
Univ. of Vienna |
Eco-evolutionary dynamics of phage-host interactions in the wild[Video][CC] |
8/12, 1:00pm |
Daniel Segre
BU |
On community metabolism, complex environments and electrons[Video][CC] |
8/12, 3:00pm |
Otto Cordero
The assembly of marine microbial communities, one droplet at a time[Video] |
8/13, 1:00pm |
Tami Lieberman
Bacterial evolution and adaptation within human microbiomes at high resolution[Video] |
8/13, 3:00pm |
Honour McCann
Emergence and evolution of agricultural pathogens[Video] |
8/16, 1:00pm |
Joanne Emerson
UC Davis |
Space (and time) and phages in soil[Video] |
8/16, 3:00pm |
Julia Schwartzman
Cellular division of labor in a marine bacterium[Video] |
8/16, 3:45pm |
Nick Noll
Computational techniques to analyze pangenome evolution[Embargoed] |
8/17, 1:00pm |
Paul Rainey
The significance of group sex[Video] |
8/17, 2:00pm |
Jeroen Meijer
Utrecht University |
A massive viral outbreak in (less than) a gram of compost[Video] |
8/17, 3:00pm |
Alejandra Rodriguez Verdugo
Evolving interactions in synthetic communities[Video] |
8/18, 1:00pm |
Stilianos Louca
Univ. of Oregon |
The rates of global bacterial and archaeal dispersal[Video] |
8/18, 3:00pm |
Wenying Shou
Eco-evolutionary dynamics during artificial selection of microbial communities[Video] |
8/19, 1:00pm |
Ophelia Venturelli
Wisconsin |
Building microbial communities to understand and design dynamics and functions[Video] |
8/19, 3:00pm |
Josh Goldford
Reconstructing ancient metabolic networks[Video] |
8/20, 11:15am |
QBio Students |
qBio takeover: What should ECOEVO focus on?[Video] |