KITP Online Conference:
UV Meets the IR: Effective Field Theory Bounds from QFT to String Theory

(Oct 13-14, 2020)
Coordinators: Patrick Draper, Isabel Garcia Garcia, Yu-tin Huang, and Grant Remmen

Conference Overview | talks | PodcastXML | Schedule

Speakers: Please contact us about file upload for your slides.

Tuesday, Oct 13, 2020

Session Chair: Yu-tin Huang (NTU)

8:00am John March-Russell (Oxford) If this is the best of all possible worlds, what then are the others?[Video]
8:45am Thomas Hartman (Cornell) Dynamical constraints on RG flows and cosmology[Slides][Video]


Session Chair: Patrick Draper (UIUC)

10:00am Susha Parameswaran (Univ. of Liverpool) Thermal Dark Energy and Other String Candidates.[Slides][Video]
10:45am Michael Dine (UC Santa Cruz) Obstacles to Constructing De Sitter Space in String Theory[Slides][Video]

Wednesday, Oct 14, 2020

Session Chair: Isabel Garcia Garcia (KITP)

8:00am Claudia de Rham (Imperial College London) Causality and Positivity with Gravity[Slides][Video]
8:45am Matt Reece (Harvard) Chern-Weil Symmetries and How Gravity Avoids Them.[Slides][Video]


Session Chair: Grant Remmen (KITP & UCSB)

10:00am Sergei Dubovsky (NYU) UV meets IR on the string worldsheet[Slides][Video]
10:45am Nima Arkani-Hamed (IAS) UV-IR, EFT-hedra and the Celestial Sphere[Video]