We have observed the secondary eclipses and detected the thermal emission of WASP-3b, TrES-3b and TrES-2b in the near-infrared Ks-band using the Wide-field Infrared Camera on the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope. These detections allow us to constrain these planets' bolometric luminosities, and define these planets' spectral energy distributions near their blackbody peaks. The combination of these results with those obtained with Spitzer/IRAC, and at shorter wavelengths with other instruments allow us to constrain the combination of the bond albedo and day-to-night-side redistribution of heat in these planets' atmospheres. We will also report the intriguing results from deeper in the atmosphere of the highly irradiated hot Jupiter WASP-12b and our attempt to detect thermal emission from this alien world in the J, H & Ks near-IR bands.
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