Tuesday, Sep 3
10:00am Cosmic Origins: The First Billion Years Simons Amphitheater
Martin Haehnelt (Cambridge)
Constraining the Nature of Dark Matter and Reionization with the Lyman-Alpha Forest
10:45am Cosmic Origins: The First Billion Years Simons Amphitheater
Hanjue Zhu (Chicago)
On the Properties of Cosmological Ionization Fronts
Wednesday, Sep 4
11:00am Cosmic Origins: The First Billion Years Simons Amphitheater
Hakim Atek (AIP)
Thursday, Sep 5
10:00am Cosmic Origins: The First Billion Years Simons Amphitheater
Rachel Somerville (Flatiron Institute)
10:45am Cosmic Origins: The First Billion Years Simons Amphitheater
Grace Telford (Princeton)
The Frontier of Massive-Star Spectroscopy at Very Low Metallicity
Friday, Sep 6
11:00am Cosmic Origins: The First Billion Years Simons Amphitheater
Fabio Pacucci (Harvard)