KITP Program: Confinement, Flux Tubes, and Large N
(Jan 3 - Feb 11, 2022)
Coordinators: Sergei Dubovsky, Monica Guica, Igor R. Klebanov, and Pedro Vieira
Scientific Advisors: David Gross and Michael Teper

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Speakers: Please contact us about file upload for your slides.

Time Speaker Title
2/10, 11:00 AM David Gross
Concluding Discussion[Video]
2/09, 3:00 PM John Donahue
Informal discussion
2/09, 11:00 AM Pedro Vieira
Perimeter Inst. & ICTP-SAIFR
Some flux tube/large spin comments in N=4 SYM[Video][CC]
2/07, 11:00 AM Ivan Kostov
University Paris-Saclay, CNRS, CEA
Torus partition functions of massive integrable field theories in 1+1 dimensions[Video][CC]
2/04, 11:00 AM Shota Komatsu
Wilson Loops as Matrix Product States[Video][CC]
2/02, 3:00 PM Antonio Gonzalez Arroyo
Confinement, fractional instantons, large N and all that[Video][CC]
2/02, 11:00 AM Yifei He
ENS Paris
Dual S-matrix bootstrap for pion physics[Video][CC]
2/01, 11:00 AM Erich Poppitz
Univ. of Toronto
Semiclassics and flux tubes on R^3 x S^1[Slides][Video][CC]
1/31, 11:00 AM David Berenstein
Gauge fields and compact fields from qubits[Video][CC]
1/28, 11:00 AM Edgar Shaghoulian
Univ. of Penn
Higher form symmetries and large-N "confinement" in gauge/gravity duality[Slides][Video][CC]
1/27, 11:00 AM Joe Minahan
Uppsala Univ.
N=1 super Yang-Mills in 7 and 5 dimensions[Video][CC]
1/26, 11:00 AM Lance Dixon
A New Duality in Planar N=4 SYM Scattering and Possible Flux Tube Implications[Slides][Video][CC]
1/25, 3:00 PM Andrei Smilga
Polytech Nantes
Informal Talk
1/25, 11:00 AM Misha Shifman
Soliton Vortex Strings in Yang-Mills: A Journey in the Opposite Direction[Slides][Video][CC]
1/18-24 Conference: Flux tubes, Quark Confinement and Exotic Hadrons
1/14, 10:30 AM Andrea Guerrieri
Tel Aviv Univ.
Review of fluxtube S-matrix bootstrap[Video][CC]
1/13, 10:30 AM Marina Krstic Marinkovic
ETH Zurich
Overview of lattice gauge theory techniques for flux tubes and related quantities[Video][CC]
1/12, 10:30 AM Aleksey Cherman
Universal deformations[Slides][Video][CC][Chat]
1/11, 10:30 AM Xi Yin
Discussion: Confining vs fundamental strings[Video][CC]
1/10, 10:30 AM Guzman Hernandez Chifflet
U. de la República
Yang-Mills glueball vs closed effective strings[Video][CC]
1/07, 10:30am Sergei Dubovsky
Review of confining strings[Video][CC]
1/06, 10:30 AM All Participants Discussion: Questions to address during the program[Video][CC]
1/05, 10:30 AM All Participants
Meet & Greet
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