The APEX-SZ experiment is a collaboration between Berkeley, University of
Bonn, MPIfR, Onsala and ESO, which operated a 280 element bolometer camera
at the APEX telescope in Chile at an altitude of 5100 meters during
2007-2010. Targeted observations of over 40 X-ray selected galaxy clusters
were made via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect. The APEX-SZ group in
Bonn has focused its research on non-parametric cluster modeling with
APEX-SZ data and its combination with X-ray and weak-lensing results. A
joint SZ/X-ray analysis has already been made for individual clusters and
a combined analysis with the full APEX-SZ sample is currently under way.
In addition, we aim to develop and optimize techniques for combining high
resolution interferometric measurements with APEX-SZ data to extract
information on the thermodynamic state of the intracluster gas at a wide
range of spatial scales.Some preliminary results from the latter topic are
presented in this poster.
View poster as pdf.