It is a firm prediction of the CDM model that galaxy clusters live at
the intersection of large-scale structure (LSS) filaments. Baryonic
tracers of these filaments have been observed for a long
time. Although several candidates for the detection of their total
mass via weak lensing were reported in the literature (Kaiser et
al. 1998, Gray et al. 2002, Dietrich et al. 2005), a convincing
signal remained elusive (Gavazzi et al. 2004, Heymans et al. 2008). We
will revisit the possible weak-lensing detection of the LSS filament
between the clusters A 222 and A 223 based on high-quality Suprime-Cam
data. These data show tantalizing evidence for a matter bridge
connecting the main components of the super-cluster system. We will
discuss the significance of this signal. Together with the deep
XMM-Newton data, which led to a detection of WHIM emission from the
filament (Werner et al. 2008), we put limits on the physical
properties of the super-cluster's inter-cluster medium.
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