In recent years, it has become clear that AGN feedback plays a major role
in the formation and evolution of galaxies, by quenching star formation,
enriching the medium with metals, and fuelling the supermassive black hole
of the host galaxy. Although the details of how AGN feedback operates
remains unclear, major advancements have been possible through detailed
studies of X-ray cavities, particularly in clusters of galaxies, since
these cavities provide a direct measurement of the energy being injected
by the AGN into the surrounding medium.
In the hopes of providing further insight into the processes that govern
AGN feedback, we present a detailed analysis of 4C+55.16, an unusual and
interesting radio source, located at the centre of a cool core cluster of
galaxy. 4C+55.16 is X-ray Bright (L_x-ray=10^45 ergss), radio powerful,
and shows clear signs of interaction between its central galaxy and the
intracluster medium, including hints of a weak shock front. By combining
Chandra with VLA observations, we also find evidence of multiple outbursts
from the central AGN. Furthermore, 4C+55.16 has an unusual intracluster
iron distribution showing a plume-like feature rich in Fe L emission
lines, and that seems to run along one of the X-ray cavities. Using deep
Chandra observations (100 ksec), we provide further insight into the
origin of this plume-like feature.
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