Authors: Yen-Ting Lin, Feng Dong, Jim Gunn, Rachel Mandelbaum, Michael Strauss
We present preliminary results from a sample of ~10000 clusters with
photometric redshift up to 1.2 detected in SDSS stripe 82 coadd
imaging data using an adaptive matched filter algorithm developed in
Dong et al (08). Our cluster catalog provides estimates of redshift,
richness, virial radius, and concentration of galaxy distribution.
Extensive visual inspection and tests on mock galaxy catalogs were
conducted to estimate the completeness and purity of the sample. The
sample is roughly volume-limited to z~0.8 or so. We discuss rich
science projects on cosmology, cluster physics, and galaxy evolution
enabled by cross correlating our sample with the wealth of
multiwavelength photometric and spectroscopic data available in stripe
82 (e.g., CMB data from ACT, spectroscopy from BOSS and GAMA,
weak lensing mass estimates from SDSS).