A. Mahdavi (San Francisco State University)
H. Hoekstra (Leiden University)
A. Babul (University of Victoria)
J. Allison (Sydney)
We present multiwavelength, X-ray, weak lensing, and where available, SZ
measurements of the mass profiles for 50 rich systems in the Canadian
Cluster Comparison
Project. Using the Joint Analysis of Cluster Observations codebase, we
simultaneously model the baryonic and nonbaryonic matter profiles in
these systems, deriving joint constraints on the gas entropy,
pressure, metallicity, and dark matter distributions. We find remarkable
consistency in the SZ, X-ray, and weak lensing derived mass profiles, and
provide an updated, spatially resolved cross-calibration of Chandra
and XMM-Newton
observations where both are available. We find a tighter correlation
between the X-ray
and weak gravitational lensing mass than has been previously reported,
and through joint analysis are able to constrain the dark matter inner
slope in over half the
systems. We probe multiple criteria for measuring the integrated
cluster temperature, and we also update our previous results on the
X-ray to weak lensing mass deficiency, with an in-depth discussion of
possible sources of systematic error.