Mar 17, 2011
The XMM Cluster Survey: First Data Release
A. Kathy Romer (Univ. Sussex)
We present the first data release from the XMM Cluster Survey (XCS). This comprises 505 optically confirmed X-ray clusters serendipitously detected in XMM archival imaging. Of these clusters, 473 have estimated redshifts (0.066 keV) clusters; 22 high redshift (z>0.8) systems; and 28 high redshift (z>0.4) groups (Tx<2 keV). The first XCS data release will enable a diverse range of future scientific exploitation including the determination of the cosmological parameters Omega-m and sigma-8, a measurement of the cluster X-ray luminosity to temperature scaling relation, and the mass calibration of future photometric cluster surveys (e.g. from DES).
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