Shock fronts generated by galaxy cluster mergers provide a key tool
for studying the cluster gas. However, unambiguous detections of
merger shock fronts are rare and only a few examples, including the
Bullet cluster and Abell 520, have been found to date. Abell 2146 is
a spectacular cluster merger showing two Mach ~2 shock fronts and a
gas structure remarkably similar to the Bullet cluster (eg. Markevitch
et al. 2002). The X-ray image shows a cool subcluster with a ram
pressure stripped tail of gas just exiting the primary cluster. The
subcluster is preceded by a bow shock and we estimate that it passed
through the primary core only 0.1-0.3 Gyr ago. In addition, we
observe a slower upstream shock propagating through the outer region
of the primary cluster. I will present the first images and results
from the deep 400ks Chandra observation of this cluster. This new
dataset reveals complex and potentially turbulent substructure along
the edges of the ram pressure stripped cool core and provides two new
tests of the establishment of electron-ion equilibrium behind each
shock front.