Authors: Ka-Wah Wong (University of Alabama),
Craig Sarazin (University of Virginia),
Ji Li (MIT Kavli Institute for Astrophysics and Space Research) and
Daniel Wik (NASA GSFC)
The densities in the outer regions of clusters of galaxies
are very low, and the collisional timescales are very long. As a
result, electrons and ions may not achieve equipartition and heavy
elements will be under-ionized after they have passed through the
accretion shock. We have studied systematically the effects of
non-equilibrium ionization for relaxed clusters in the LambdaCDM
cosmology using one-dimensional hydrodynamic simulations. We found
that the most prominent non-equilibrium ionization signature is the O VII
and O VIII line ratio. The ratios for non-equilibrium ionization
and collisional ionization equilibrium models are different by more
than an order of magnitude at radii beyond half of the shock radius.
These non-equilibrium ionization signatures are equally strong for
models with different non-adiabatic shock electron heating
efficiencies. We have also calculated the detectability of the O VII
and O VIII lines with the future International X-ray Observatory
(IXO). Depending on the line ratio measured, we conclude that an
exposure of ∼130–380 ks on a moderate-redshift, massive regular
cluster with the X-ray Microcalorimeter Spectrometer (XMS) on the IXO
will be sufficient to provide a strong test for the non-equilibrium
ionization model. Finally, we briefly discuss that the
non-equipartition effects can bias the cosmological parameter
estimation from SZ surveys.
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