Monday, December 16, 2013 |
8:50am |
Lars Bildsten (KITP Director) |
Welcome[Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
9:00am |
Jim Jenkins (Cornell Univ.) |
Continuum modeling of aeolian sand transport[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
9:45am |
Eckart Meiburg (UCSB) |
Modeling of particle flows in aquatic environments[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Joris Eggenhuisen (Utrecht Univ.) |
Developing boundaries in sedimentology; inspiration from GeoFlows 2013[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
11:45am |
Thomas Halsey (ExxonMobil) |
Avalanche Dynamics on a Rough Inclined Plane[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
12:30pm |
2:00pm |
Anne Mangeney (IPGP, Paris) |
Flow dynamics and erosion processes in natural geophysical flows[Slides][Podcast][Vid][Aud][Cam] |
2:45pm |
Daniel Hanes (SLU) |
The shape, movement, and field-scale evolution of the Golden Gate Sandwaves[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3:30pm |
4:00pm |
Jasper Kok (UCLA) |
How does sand move on Mars? Possible solutions to some long-standing mysteries[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
4:45pm |
David Hoyal (ExxonMobil) |
Instability hierarchy of channel avulsion on submarine fans: Mechanisms, cycles and scaling |
5:30pm |
Tuesday, December 17, 2013 |
GEOFLOWS Conference, Chair: Alberto Aliseda (Univ. Washington)
9:00am |
Kimberly Hill (Univ. Minnesota) |
Grain-size dependence of particles in bedload transport[Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
9:45am |
Pascale Garaud (UCSC) |
Dust-laden flows in protostellar disks[Slides][Podcast][Vid][Aud][Cam] |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Melany Hunt (Caltech) |
Experiments of particle collisions and rheology[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
11:45am |
Mathew Wells (Univ. of Toronto) |
Influence of Coriolis forces on deposition and erosion patterns of turbidity currents: insights from lab experiments[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
12:30pm |
2:00pm |
Keld Rasmussen (U. Aarhus) Michael Sorensen (U. Copenhagen) |
Aeolian saltation dynamics - from experiment to model[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
2:45pm |
Philippe Claudin (ESPCI, Paris) |
Numerical simulations of sediment transport and aeolian ripples[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3:30pm |
5:00pm |
5:30pm |
7:30pm |
Wednesday, December 18, 2013 |
9:00am |
V. Kumaran (IISc Bangalore) |
Dense granular flows: from particle dynamics to hydrodynamics[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
9:45am |
Barbara Turnbull (Univ. Nottingham) |
Wetting in granular flows: Debris flows & ice avalanches[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Kara Scheu (Stanford Univ.) |
Sediment transport due to river inflows into a large alpine lake[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
11:45am |
Brendon Hall (Ion Geophysical) |
Particle-laden flows INTO Nature: Sediment transport in unconventional reservoir stimulation[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
12:30pm |
GEOFLOWS Conference, Chair: Nathalie Vriend (Cambridge Univ.)
2:00pm |
Dieter Issler (NGI, Oslo) |
Snow Avalanche Dynamics -- Changes and Exchanges[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
2:45pm |
Michel Louge (Cornell Univ.) |
Role of pore pressure gradients in geophysical flows over permeable substrates[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3:30pm |
4:00pm |
Juan José Fedele (ExxonMobil) |
Experimental study on bedforms created by density flows |
5:00pm |
5:30pm |
7:30pm |
Thursday, December 19, 2013 |
GEOFLOWS Conference, Chair: Ray Kostaschuk (Simon Fraser Univ.)
9:00am |
Alexandre Valance (Univ. Rennes) |
Periodic trajectories in aeolian sand transport[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
9:45am |
Hezi Yizhaq (Ben Gurion Univ.) |
Transverse instability of megaripples[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
10:30am |
11:00am |
Christof Krülle (U. Bayreuth, U. Karlsruhe) |
Where to Dig for Gold? - Density Segregation inside Migrating Dunes[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
11:45am |
Gregory Bewley (MPIDS) |
Particle Dynamics in Turbulence[Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
12:30pm |
GEOFLOWS Conference, Chair: Joris Eggenhuisen (Utrecht Univ.)
2:00pm |
Mike Glinsky (Ion Geophysical) |
Stratigraphic facies from the physics perspective of emergent phases of self organization[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
2:45pm |
Ben Kneller (Univ. of Aberdeen) |
Stably stratified buoyancy-driven flows in the ocean: implications for sediment transport[Slides][Podcast][Vid][Aud][Cam] |
3:30pm |
E. Biegert (UCSB) |
Direct numerical simulation of particle erosion[Abstract] |
J. Caplan, S. Dalziel N. Vriend (Cambridge) |
Segregation Effects in Granular Collapse[Poster] |
P. Gajjar, N. Gray (U. Manchester) |
Asymmetric segregation velocities in granular breaking size segregation waves[Poster] |
R. Kostaschuk, J. Best, J. Peakall M. Nasr-Azadani, E. Meiburg |
Unsteady flow in continuous turbidity currents: Lillooet Lake, Canada[Abstract] |
M. Laemmel, A. Meiwald, K. Kroy (Univ. Leipzig) |
Mesoscale modeling of aeolian sand transport[Abstract] |
R. Martin (UCLA) |
Controls on sediment tracer trapping in a granular bed[Abstract] |