KITP Program: Fundamentals of Gaseous Halos
(Jan 11 - Mar 5, 2021)
Coordinators: Cameron Hummels, Ben Oppenheimer, Mark Voit, and Jess Werk

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Speakers: Please contact us about file upload for your slides.

Time Speaker Title

1/11-15 Week 1 ↓ How do gaseous halos depend on halo mass? ↓
1/11, 8:00am All Participants Introduction to the Workshop[Video][Transcript]
1/12, 8:00am Hsiao-Wen Chen
U. Chicago
Keynote Talk: How do gaseous halos depend on halo mass (I)?[Video][Transcript]
1/13, 8:00am Mark Voit
Tutorial: What is the virial temperature of a halo?[Video][Transcript]
1/13, 8:40am Cameron Hummels
Tutorial: Using TRIDENT[Video][Transcript]
1/13, 9:20am Jason X Prochaska
Tutorial: FRB Probes of the CGM/IGM[Video][Transcript]
1/14, 8:00am Megan Donahue
Keynote Talk: How do gaseous halos depend on halo mass (II)?[Video][Transcript]
1/14, 9:00am Panelists
Panel Discussion: Megan Donahue, Arif Babul, Ben Oppenheimer, Nick Battaglia[Video][Transcript]
1/15, 8:00am All Participants Discussion: How do gaseous halos depend on halo mass?

1/18-22 Week 2 ↓ Why are gaseous halos often multiphase? ↓
1/19, 8:00am Todd Tripp
UMass Amherst
Keynote Talk: Why are gaseous halos often multiphase (I)?[Video][Transcript]
1/19, 9:00am Panelists
Panel Discussion: Todd Tripp, Gwen Rudie, Sanch Borthakur, Rongmon Bordoloi[Video][Transcript]
1/20, 8:00am Prateek Sharma
Tutorial: Precipitation in Gaseous Halos[Video][Transcript]
1/20, 8:30am Jane Charlton
Penn State
Tutorial: Multiphase Cloudy Modeling[Slides][Video][Transcript]
1/20, 9:00am Shmuel Bialy
Tutorial: Multiphase-Turbulent ISM: Analogies with CGM[Video]
1/20, 9:30am Ben Oppenheimer
John Zuhone
Tutorial: Synthetic X-ray Observations[Video][Transcript]
1/21, 8:00am Drummond Fielding
Flatiron Inst.
Keynote Talk: Why are gaseous halos often multiphase (II)?[Slides][Video][Transcript]
1/21, 9:00am Panelists
Panel Discussion: Drummond Fielding, Evan Schneider, Max Gronke, Jonathan Stern, Prateek Sharma[Video][Transcript]
1/22, 8:00am All Participants Featured Conversations:
#halo21-SZCGM (Nick Battaglia & Daisuke Nagai)
#halo21-precipitation (Prateek Sharma & Mark Voit)
Moderated Discussion: Why are gaseous halos often multiphase?

1/25-29 Week 3 ↓ What roles do non-thermal components play? ↓
1/25, 8:00am All Participants Introduction to Question of the Week[Video][Transcript]
1/26, 8:00am Peng Oh
Keynote Talk: What roles do non-thermal components play (I)?[Slides][Video][Transcript]
1/26, 9:00am Panelists
Panel Discussion: Peng Oh, Chad Bustard, Blakesley Burkhart, Evan Scannapieco, Iryna Butsky[Video][Transcript]
1/27, 8:00am Suoqing Ji
Tutorial: Cosmic Rays in the CGM[Video][Transcript]
1/27, 8:30am Yuan Li
Tutorial: Observational Measures of Halo Turbulence[Video][Transcript]
1/27, 9:00am Mateusz Ruszkowski
Michigan U.
Tutorial: Non-thermal Effects of AGN on CGM[Video][Transcript]
1/28, 8:00am Ellen Zweibel
Keynote Talk: What roles do non-thermal components play (II)?[Video][Transcript]
1/28, 9:00am Panelists
Panel Discussion: Ellen Zweibel, Yan-fei Jiang, Christophe Pfrommer, Erin Boettcher, Phil Hopkins[Video][Transcript]
1/29, 8:00am All Participants Featured Conversations:
#halo21-turbulence (Gwen Rudi & Drummond Fielding)
Moderated Discussion: What roles do non-thermal components play?

2/01-05 Week 4 ↓ What does the Milky Way tell us about CGM? ↓
2/01, 8:00am All Participants Introduction to Question of the Week[Video][Transcript]
2/02, 8:00am Mary Putman
Keynote Talk: What does the Milky Way tell us about CGM (I)?[Video][Transcript]
2/02, 9:00am Panelists Panel: Mary Putman (Columbia), Gurtina Besla (Arizona), Edmund Hodges-Kluck (GSFC), Chris Howk (Notre Dame)[Video][Transcript]
2/03, 8:00am Kartick Sarkar
Hebrew Univ.
Tutorial: Fermi Bubbles[Video][CC][Transcript]
2/03, 8:30am Marcus Bruggen
Univ. Hamburg
Tutorial: Erosita Bubbles[Video][CC][Transcript]
2/03, 9:00am Yong Zheng
Tutorial: How to deblend MW ISM from CGM[Video][CC][Transcript]
2/04, 8:00am Filippo Fraternali
Univ. of Groningen
Keynote Talk: What does the Milky Way tell us about CGM (II)?[Video][Transcript]
2/04, 9:00am Panelists Panel: Filippo Fraternali (Univ. of Groningen), Yakov Faerman (Hebrew Univ.), Nir Mandelker (KITP), Frank van den Bosch (Yale)[Video][Transcript]
2/05, 8:00am All Participants Featured Conversations Halo21-MilkyWay - Jess Werk (UW) & Yong Zheng (Berkeley)

2/08-12 Week 5 ↓ How does gas flow out of galaxies? ↓
2/08, 8:00am All Participants Introduction to Question of the Week[Video][Transcript]
2/09, 8:00am Dylan Nelson
Keynote Talk: How does gas flow out of galaxies (I)?[Video][Transcript]
2/09, 9:00am All Participants Panel Discussion: Dylan Nelson, Chang-Goo Kim, John Chisholm, Miao Li, Rongmon Bordoloi[Video][Transcript]
2/10, 8:00am Joe Burchett
Tutorial: Visualizing the CGM with CosmoVis[Video][Transcript]
2/10, 8:40am Evan Schneider
Tutorial: Mass Loading in Galactic Outflows[Video][Transcript]
2/10, 9:20am Marie Wingyee Lau
(UC Riverside)
Joe Burchett
Rongmon Bordoloi
(NC State)
Tutorial: Quasar Absorption Line Fitting[Slides][Video][Transcript]
2/11, 8:00am Tim Heckman
Johns Hopkins
Keynote Talk: How does gas flow out of galaxies (II)?[Video][Transcript]
2/11, 9:00am All Participants Panel Discussion: Tim Heckman, Cassi Lochhaas, Crystal Martin, Evan Schneider, Chuck Steidel[Video][Transcript]
2/12, 8:00am Joe Burchett
Featured Conversations -#halo21-visualization (initiators: Joe Burchett)
Moderated Discussion: How does gas flow out of galaxies?

2/16-19 Week 6 ↓ How does gas flow into galaxies? ↓
2/16, 8:00am Kate Rubin
Keynote Talk: How does gas flow into galaxies (I)?[Video][Transcript]
2/16, 9:00am All Participants Panel Discussion: Kate Rubin, Nicholas Lehner, Claade-Andre Faucher-Giguere, Sanch Borthakur, Chang-Goo Kim[Video][Transcript]
2/17, 8:00am Nir Mandelker
Tutorial: Physics of Inflowing Streams[Video][Transcript]
2/17, 9:00am Jonathan Stern
Tutorial: Galactic Cooling Flows[Video][Transcript]
2/18, 8:00am Dusan Keres
Keynote Talk: How does gas flow into galaxies (II)?[Video][Transcript]
2/18, 9:00am All Participants Panel Discussion: Dusan Keres, Avishai Dekel, Filippo Fraternali, Gwen Rudie, Freeke van de Voort[Video][Transcript]
2/19, 8:00am All Participants Featured Conversations
Moderated Discussion: How does gas flow into galaxies?

2/22-26 Week 7 ↓ How do gaseous halos affect galaxy evolution? ↓
2/22, 8:00am All Participants Introduction to Question of the Week[Video][Transcript]
2/23, 8:00am Crystal Martin
Keynote Talk: How do gaseous halos affect galaxy evolution (I)?[Slides][Video][Transcript]
2/23, 9:00am All Participants Panel Discussion: Crystal Martin, Nicolas Bouche, Hsiao-Wen Chen, Zach Hafen, Stephanie Ho[Video][Transcript]
2/24, 8:00am Annalisa Pillepich
Tutorial: The Effects of Environment on the Evolution of Satellites[Video][Transcript]
2/24, 8:30am J. Christopher Howk
Notre Dame
Tutorial: Observational Constraints on CGM Cloud Sizes[Video][Transcript]
2/24, 9:00am Jon Davies
Tutorial: Baryon Clearing[Video][Transcript]
2/24, 9:30am Fakhri Zahedy
Carnegie Observatories
Tutorial: Elemental Abundance Ratios in the CGM[Video][Transcript]
2/25, 8:00am Greg Bryan
Keynote Talk: How do gaseous halos affect galaxy evolution (II)?[Video][Transcript]
2/25, 9:00am All Participants Panel Discussion: Greg Bryan, Cameron Hummels, Dylan Nelson, Mary Putman[Video][Transcript]
2/26, 8:00am Nicholas Battaglia
Daisuke Nagai
Joe Burchett
Featured Conversations:
CGM #halo21-SZCGM
Quenching of Galaxies #halo21-quenching
Moderated Discussion: How do gaseous halos affect galaxy evolution?

3/01-05 Week 8 ↓ What future observations will transform our understanding of the CGM? ↓
3/01, 8:00am All Participants Introduction to Question of the Week[Video][Transcript]
3/01, 8:30am All Participants Breakout Room Discussion: Absorption Lines[Protected][Video]
3/01, 8:30am All Participants Breakout Room Discussion: X-Ray[Protected][Video]
3/01, 8:30am All Participants Breakout Room Discussion: Radio[Protected][Video]
3/01, 8:30am All Participants Breakout Room Discussion: FRB[Protected][Video]
3/01, 8:30am All Participants Breakout Room Discussion: Feedback[Protected][Video]
3/01, 9:00am All Participants Observational Domain Structured Discussions[Video][Transcript]
03/01 12:15pm Romeel Davé
University of Arizona
What's going on in the circumgalactic medium?[Video]
KITP Blackboard Lunch
3/02, 8:00am Christopher Martin
Keynote Talk: What future observations will transform our understanding of the CGM? (I)[Video][Transcript]
3/02, 8:00am All Participants Panel Discussion: Christopher Martin, Sarah Tuttle, Crystal Martin, Joe Burchett, Chuck Steidel[Video][Transcript]
3/03, 8:00am Edmund Hodges Kluck
Tutorial: XRISM[Video][Transcript]
3/03, 8:40am Dylan Nelson
Tutorial: Accessing and Analyzing Public IllustrisTNG Data[Video][Transcript]
3/03, 9:20am Nicolas Tejos
Tutorial: Exploring IFU Data[Video][Transcript]
3/04, 8:00am Aurora Simionescu
Keynote Talk: What future observations will transform our understanding of the CGM? (II)[Video][Transcript]
3/04, 8:30am Nicholas Battaglia
Keynote Talk: What future observations will transform our understanding of the CGM? (III)[Video][Transcript]
3/04, 9:00am All Participants Panel Discussion: Aurora Simionescu, Nicholas Battaglia, Alexey Vikhlinin, Rachel Somerville, Edmund Hodges Kluck, Colin Hill[Video][Transcript]
3/05, 8:00am Carlos Vargas
Claudia Cicone
(Univ. of Oslo)
Dennis Zaritsky
Gwen Rudie
(Carnegie Observatories)
Jess Werk
Mark Voit
Ben Oppenheimer
(CU Boulder)
Featured Conversations:
Moderated Discussion:
What future observations will transform our understanding of the CGM?
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