Since anyon superconductivity, unconventional superconducting states of
matter that exhibit time reversal symmetry breaking constitute an
aspired quantum state of matter which, however, has not been uniquely
identified so far. I report on recent theoretical proposals and
experimental findings that might allow to open new directions regarding
such states, focussing on the singlet sector and not the triplet sector
of superconductivity (as it has been predominantly done for Sr2RuO4 in
the past years). This will involve possible non-chiral s+id pairing in
the pnictides, as well as possible chiral d-wave pairing in hexagonal
systems such as doped graphene, sodium doped cobaltates, and SrPtAs. I
will also comment specifically on how a detailed knowledge of the SC
form factor will be mandatory to relate to STM signals that might help
to identify such states.