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Vortex lattices and Wigner crystals

The extension of these ideas to the vortex lattice and Wigner crystal is more complicated. In this case, we can write the density as


where the order parameters tex2html_wrap_inline3512 satisfy


and tex2html_wrap_inline3514 forms the set of smallest basis vectors in the reciprocal lattice. For the common case of a triangular lattice, there are three complex order parameters tex2html_wrap_inline3512 . Under the translation tex2html_wrap_inline3518 , these transform as


The business of writing a Landau theory in this case is somewhat more complicated, and I will not discuss it here. We can, however, still easily make the connection to the elastic description,


Lattice systems are also characterized by another order parameter, describing broken rotational invariance. This orientational order parameter is defined as


where tex2html_wrap_inline3520 is the bond angle between the tex2html_wrap_inline3522 and tex2html_wrap_inline3524 points on the lattice. The integer p characterizes the degree of broken rotational symmetry. In the usual case of a triagular lattice, the appropriate choice is the hexatic order parameter, with p=6. Long-range orientational order is automatically present in any lattice phase, since


has finite fluctuations provided tex2html_wrap_inline2762 is single-valued and well-defined. Distinct p-atic phases may also exist, however, in which tex2html_wrap_inline3534 , while tex2html_wrap_inline3536 for all tex2html_wrap_inline3538 .

Leon Balents
Thu May 30 08:21:44 PDT 1996