Gilad Barak, Georg Schusteritsch, Amir Yacoby, Bertrand Halperin, Loren
N. Pfeiffer, Ken W. West
Quantum Hall edges are predicted to reconstruct as a result of the
competition between quantum confinement and Coulomb interaction. In
this work we study such edge reconstruction in a quantum wires subject to a
quantizing magnetic field. Using momentum resolved tunneling, we map
the electronic dispersions in the wire as a function of external magnetic
field. At a critical magnetic field a spin polarized strip of
electrons develops along the soft confining edge of the wire. We
associate this behavior
with the Dempsey Gelfand Halperin edge reconstruction predicted in
This edge reconstruction is characterized by a second order phase
transition driven by the strength of the confining potential and whose
order parameter is the width of the polarized strip and. We find
quantitative agreement between the measured width of the polarized
strip and theory.