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Time | Speaker | Title |
1/28, 1:30pm | All Participants | Organizational meet & greet |
1/29, 1:30pm | Juan Carrasquilla Vector Institute & KITP |
Learning and representing quantum states with probability[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
1/30, 10:00am | Michael Albergo Perimeter Institute & KITP |
Tutorial: An Overview of Recent Generative Models[Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
1/31, 1:30pm | Yi (Frank) Zhang Cornell & KITP |
Quantum Loop Topography for Machine Learning Transport[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
2/01, 3:30pm | Discussion Leader TBD |
Machine19 Unplugged: Friday discussion |
2/04, 1:30pm | All Participants | Organizational meet & greet |
2/05, 1:30pm | Evert van Nieuwenburg Caltech & KITP |
Reinforcement learning for fault-tolerant quantum computation[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
2/06, 10:00am | Dries Sels Harvard & KITP |
Tutorial: Reinforcement Learning for Physicists[Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
2/07, 1:30pm | Ying-Jer Kao NTU & KITP |
Generation of topologically constrained states through deep reinforcement learning[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
2/08, 3:30pm | Anna Golubeva (Perimeter & KITP), Leader TBD |
Machine19 Unplugged Discussion: Is machine learning really that useful for us? |
02/11-15 | Conference: | At the Crossroad of Physics and Machine Learning |
2/19, 1:30pm | Federico Becca University of Trieste & KITP |
Variational wave functions for frustrated spin models: from traditional methods to neural networks... and back[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
2/20, 10:00am | Masoud Mohseni Google AI & KITP |
Approximate optimization and inference with tensor networks |
2/21, 1:30pm | Estelle Inack Perimeter & KITP |
Tutorial: Variational Monte Carlo and Machine Learning[Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
2/22, 3:30pm | All Participants | Machine19 Unplugged: Friday discussion |
02/25 12:15pm | Giuseppe Carleo Flatiron Institute & KITP |
Dreaming, computing, inspiring: Flavors of machine learning in many-body quantum physics[Podcast][Aud][Cam] KITP Blackboard Lunch |
2/25, 1:30pm | All Participants | Organizational meet & greet |
2/26, 1:30pm | Marin Bukov Berkeley |
Reinforcement Learning to Control Quantum Systems away from Equilibrium[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
2/27, 10:00am | Maria Schuld University of KwaZulu-Natal |
Quantum machine learning: Turning quantum computers into machine learning models |
2/28, 1:30pm | Aleksander Kubica Perimeter |
Quantum error correction and machine learning[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3/01, 3:30pm | All Participants | TBA |
3/04, 1:30pm | All Participants | Organizational meet & greet |
3/05, 1:30pm | Felix Leditzky JILA, CU Boulder & KITP |
Quantum Codes from Neural Networks[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3/06, 10:00am | Jing Chen Flatiron & KITP |
Tutorial: Tensor networks and RBMs[Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3/07, 1:30pm | John Terilla CUNY & KITP |
Probabilistic modeling with tensor networks[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3/08, 3:30pm | All Participants | Machine19 Unplugged: Friday discussion |
3/11, 1:30pm | All Participants | Organizational meet & greet |
3/12, 1:30pm | Phiala Shanahan MIT |
Learning matched action parameters for multi-scale algorithms in lattice QCD[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3/13, 10:00am | Andrea Rocchetto Oxford/UCL & KITP |
Tutorial: Overview of classical and quantum learning theory[Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3/14, 1:30pm | Simon Trebst University of Cologne & KITP |
Decoding the many-fermion problem with neural networks[Slides][Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3/15, 3:30pm | All Participants | Machine19 Unplugged: Friday discussion |
3/18, 1:30pm | All Participants | Organizational Meeting |
3/19, 1:30pm | Roger Melko Waterloo/Perimeter & KITP |
Neural-network hybridized quantum hardware |
3/20, 10:00am | Miles Stoudenmire (Flatiron & KITP) Lenka Zdeborova (Saclay & KITP) |
Wrap up discussion & future directions |
3/21, 1:30pm | Miles Stoudenmire Flatiron & KITP, Leader |
Discussion: Introduction to kernel methods for machine learning[Podcast][Aud][Cam] |
3/22, 3:30pm | All Participants | TBA |
last modified 03/19/19 dme