We investigate the physical mechanisms of satellite disruption in
cold dark matter host halos using idealized N-body simulations based
on cosmological initial conditions. We show the importance of
resonant shocks and resonant torques with the host halo to satellite
heating. The resonant shock is a coupling between the motion of the
satellite orbit and its phase space. The resonant torque is the
coupling between the azimuthal motion of the satellite orbit and its
phase space. For a satellite on a circular orbit, the -1:2:2
(ILR-like) resonance dominates and results in continuous satellite
mass loss. Using a perturbation theory calculation, we estimate the
required number of satellite halo particles for low order resonances
and find that more than 100000 particles are required to reproduce
the important resonances correctly. When a satellite is on an
eccentric orbit, both resonant shock and resonant torque effects
heat the satellite. We present an simple algorithm for estimating
satellite mass that includes both shock heating and resonant
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