I will review the basic methods to build chemical evolution models for the
Milky Way as well as their uncertainties and strengths.
All the main ingredients (initial conditions, birthrate function,
stellar yields, gas flows) will be discussed. Then, the basic equations of
galactic chemical evolution will be introduced. The importance of considering
stellar lifetimes and supernovae of all types II, Ia, Ib/c) will be
highlighted. Then I will compare different model predictions with observables,
in particular the [X/Fe] vs. [X/H] diagrams as well as abundance, gas and
star formation gradients along the disk.
I will show that from this comparison one can infer constraints on
stellar nucleosynthesis and on the typical timescales and mechanisms
for the formation of the various components of the Milky Way (Halo, Disk
and Bulge). A comparison between the stellar abundances of the Milky Way and
those of the dwarf spheroidals of the Local Group will be presented in order
to check if these galaxies have been the building blocks of our Galaxy.
Finally, I will show that the above described galactic astroarchaelogy is
also very useful to compare with the predictions of models based
on cosmological simulations.
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