Stars in disks of spiral galaxies are typically assumed to remain
roughly at their birth radii. This assumption is built into decades of
modelling of the evolution of stellar populations in our own Galaxy
and in external systems. I will present results from self-consistent
high-resolution N-body + Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics simulations of
disk formation, in which stars migrate across significant
galactocentric distances, due to resonant scattering with transient
spiral arms, while preserving their circular orbits. I will also
present observational evidence which, in conjunction with our models,
strongly suggests that radial migration is an important mechanism in
real systems. I will then demonstrate the implications of such
migrations for observed stellar populations and argue that radial
migration is a fundamental effect that must be considered at all
levels of stellar population studies. As such, radial migration
provides a new explanation for the observed flatness and spread in the
age-metallicity relation and a revised solution to the G-dwarf
problem. The presence of radial migration also prompts rethinking of
interpretations of extra-galactic stellar population data, especially
for determinations of star formation histories.