Authors:Smecker-Hane, T. A., Marsteller, B., Bullock, J.
(Univ. of California, Irvine), Cole, A. (Univ. of Tasmania),
Gallagher, J. (Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison)
We report on results a new deep imaging survey obtained with the Hubble
Space Telesscope's Advance Camera for Surveys (ACS) and the Wide
Field Planetary Camera 2 (WFPC2) that shows the Leo I dwarf spheroidal
galaxy (dSph) has a significantly large population of ancient ($> 10$ Gyr old)
stars as well as the previously known large component of intermediate-aged
stars. Our new imaging is much deeper than a previous WFPC2 study,
which allows us to unabiguously identify the main sequence turnoff
of the ancient population and constrain the star formation rate
at early times. We determine the galaxy's star formation
rate as a function of time from the observed density of stars in the
color-magnitude diagram using Padova stellar evolutionary models,
and we discuss how our results may help explain the flat age-metallicity
relationship we previously inferred from spectroscopy and age-determination
of individual red giant stars. This galaxy, an isolated dwarf
located at a distance of 270 kpc, lies well outside the dark matter
halo of the Milky Way, and its evolution demonstrates that star formation
in the Local Group began at roughly the same time shortly after the Big Bang
over a wide range of galactic masses.
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