Time |
Speaker |
Title |
10/26, 8:00am |
All Participants |
Organizational Meeting[Slides][Video] |
10/27, 8:00am |
Amanda Folsom
Amherst |
Mock modular and quantum modular forms[Slides][Protected][Video] |
[Public Slides] |
10/29, 8:00am |
Atish Dabholkar
Three Avatars of Mock Modularity[Video] |
11/03, 8:00am |
Du Pei
Harvard |
Modularities from Fivebranes[Video] |
11/05, 8:00am |
Stephen Kudla
U. Toronto |
Harmonic weak Maass forms and extensions[Slides][Video] |
11/10, 8:00am |
Eric D'Hoker
Modular Graph Functions[Video] |
11/12, 8:00am |
Alex Maloney
McGill Univ. |
The Siegel-Weil Formula and Quantum Gravity[Video] |
11/17, 8:00am |
Theo Johnson-Freyd
Perimeter Inst. |
A topological umbral moonshine conjecture[Slides][Video] |
11/19, 8:00am |
Ken Ono
Univ. Virginia |
Variants of Lehmer's Conjecture on Ramanujan's tau-function[Video] |
11/16, 12:15pm |
Jeff Harvey
University of Chicago |
What Is Modularity and What Is It Good For?[Video]
KITP Blackboard Lunch |
11/24, 8:00am |
John Duncan
Emory |
Finite Simple Groups and Elliptic Curve Arithmetic[Slides][Video] |
11/25, 8:00am |
Lance Dixon
Scattering amplitudes in field theory, multiple polylogarithms and the coaction principle[Slides][Video] |
12/01, 8:00am |
Miranda Cheng
Univ. of Amsterdan |
Quantum modular forms from three-manifolds[Video] |
12/03, 8:00am |
Greg Moore
Rutgers |
N=2* Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory, Four-Manifold Invariants, And Mock Modular Forms[Video] |
12/08, 8:00am |
Don Zagier
Max Planck Institute, Bonn |
Holomorphic quantum modular forms[Video] |
12/10, 8:00am |
Xenia de la Ossa
Oxford |
On the arithmetic of Calabi-Yau manifolds[Slides][Video] |
12/15, 8:00am |
All Participants |
Gong Show[Video] |
12/17, 8:00am |
Kathrin Bringmann
U Cologne |
Asymptotic properties of modular type objects[Slides][Video] |