KITP Program: Morphogenesis in Animals and Plants: Search for Principles
(Jul 22 - Aug 23, 2019)
Coordinators: Thomas Lecuit, Ottoline Leyser, Stanislav Shvartsman, and Sebastian Streichan

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Time Speaker Title
7/22, 10:00am QBio Participants General Orientation
7/22, 2:00pm Boris Shraiman
A zoomed out view of Morphogenesis and its open problems[Podcast][Video]
7/23, 9:00am Adam Martin
Fly embryogenesis[Slides][Podcast][Video]
7/23, 11:00am Elliot Meyerowitz
Plant developmental biology[Slides][Podcast][Video]
7/24, 9:00am Rich Carthew
Post-embryonic development in flies/eye imaginal disc[Embargoed]
7/24, 11:00am Sharad Ramanathan
Stem cells and mammalian embryogenesis[Embargoed]
7/24, 7:30pm Madhav Mani
Northwestern U & KITP
Math in MATLAB[Embargoed]
7/25, 9:00am Michel Bagnat
Notochord development[Embargoed]
7/25, 11:00am David Sprinzak
Tel Aviv Univ.
Notch signaling[Slides][Podcast][Video]
7/26, 9:00am Caren Norden
Eye development in mammals[Slides][Podcast][Video]
7/26, 11:00am Dominique Bergmann
Plant morphogenesis II[Slides][Podcast][Video]
7/29, 9:00am Mathieu Coppey
CNRS/Inst Curie & KITP
Controlling cells with optogenetics[Slides][Podcast][Video]
7/29, 10:45am Ken Irvine
Waksman Inst/Rutgers U
Regulation of Wing Size and Shape by Tissue Patterning and Mechanics[Embargoed]
7/30, 9:00am Amy Shyer
Rockefeller U.
Multicellular dynamics during morphogenesis of the vertebrate skin[Embargoed]
7/30, 10:45am Shahaf Armon
Weizmann Inst
How tissues can actively avoid rupture (things we've learned from Placozoa)[Slides][Podcast][Video]
7/31, 9:00am Massimo Vergassola
The nature of waves in the early embryogenesis of Drosophila melanogaster[Slides][Podcast][Video]
7/31, 10:45am Pierre Neveu
MorphoSeq: Complete reconstruction of single-cell transcriptome dynamics up to gastrulation in a chordate[Podcast][Video]
7/31, 4:00pm Andrej Kosmrlj
Princeton & KITP
Mechanical instabilities in growing biological systems: wrinkling and branching[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/01, 9:00am Frank Julicher
MPI/PCS Dresden & KITP
Theoretical approaches to epithelial dynamics[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/01, 10:45am Marcos Gonzalez-Gaitan
U. Geneva & KITP
Dpp gradient formation, growth and scaling[Embargoed]
8/02, 9:00am Xavier Trepat
IBEC, Barcelona & KITP
Mechanics of epithelial folding, growth and migration[Podcast][Video]
8/02, 10:45am Karen Alim
MPI/DS, Gottingen & KITP
Fluid flows shaping transport networks.[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/05, 9:00am Dinah Loerke
Denver U. & KITP
Cell Intercalation in Drosophila Germ Band Extension[Embargoed]
8/05, 10:45am Francis Corson
ENS, Paris & KITP
Mechanics of avian gastrulation[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/05, 4:00pm Jocelyn Étienne
Univ. Grenoble & KITP
The acto-myosin drive in morphogenetic movements[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/06, 9:00am Madhav Mani
Northwestern U & KITP
Computational tools for the analysis of imaging and sequencing data[Embargoed]
8/06, 10:30am Jennifer Nemhauser
U. Washington
Plant Logic: Discovering and re-engineering design rules governing plant form.[Podcast][Video]
8/07, 9:00am Stefano di Talia
Duke U. & KITP
Flows and waves in the spatiotemporal organization of embryogenesis and regeneration[Podcast][Video]
8/07, 10:45am Stanislav Shvartsman
Princeton & KITP
From metabolism to morphogenesis[Podcast][Video]
8/08, 9:00am Ottoline Leyser
Sainsbury Lab/Cambridge U & KITP
Branching out: Auxin, auxin transport, and the self-organisation of plant form[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/08, 10:45am Alexander Aulehla
EMBL, Heidelberg
Collective signalling oscillations in embryonic patterning[Podcast][Video]
8/09, 9:00am All Participants Course presentations I[Podcast][Video]
8/09, 10:45am All Participants Course presentations II[Podcast][Video]
8/12, 9:00am Max Wilson
Dissecting the interpretation and tunability of dynamic Erk signals using optogenetics[Podcast][Video]
8/12, 10:45am Matteo Rauzi
U. Côte d'Azur, Nice & KITP
AP-DV patterning synergy in cell shape change and tissue morphogenesis[Embargoed]
8/13, 9:00am Carl-Philipp Heisenberg
IST Austria
Phase transitions in early zebrafish development[Podcast][Video]
8/13, 10:45am Liam Dolan
Oxford & KITP
Development and evolution of land plant rooting systems – patterns from genes and fossils[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/14, 9:00am B. Shraiman, F. Julicher, M. Gonzalez-Gaitan, T. Lecuit A scientific tribute for Suzanne Eaton I[Podcast][Video]
8/14, 10:45am D. Montell, K. Irvine, M. Bagnat, C-P. Heisenberg A scientific tribute for Suzanne Eaton II[Podcast][Video]
8/15, 9:00am Eric Mjolsness
Developing methods for developmental modeling: Learning reduced stochastic dynamics, and Algebras of dynamic structures[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/15, 10:45am Thomas Lecuit
College de France & KITP
Control and self-organisation in tissue morphogenesis.[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/15, 4:00pm Ottoline Leyser
Sainsbury Lab/Cambridge U & KITP, leader
Discussion: A name for the field [Protected][Podcast][Protected][Video]
8/16, 9:00am Alpha Yap
U. Queensland
The active tension of adherens junctions[Podcast][Video]
8/16, 10:45am Adrienne Roeder
Cornell & KITP
Robustness of organ size in Arabidopsis[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/19, 9:00am Naomi Nakayama
U. Edinburgh & KITP
Form, (Fate), and Function of trees and dandelions[Podcast][Video]
8/19, 10:30am Timothy Saunders
MBI, Singapore
Differential mechanical coupling between cardioblasts guides heart morphogenesis[Slides][Podcast][Video]
08/19 12:15pm Elliot Meyerowitz (Caltech)
Boris Shraiman (KITP)
A Grand Unified Theory for Plants and Animals?[Podcast][Aud][Cam]
KITP Blackboard Lunch
8/20, 9:30am Cassandra Extavour
Harvard & KITP
Beyond drosophila : different morphogenetic problems presented by development in other insects[Video]
8/20, 11:00am Aryeh Warmflash
Rice U & KITP
Self-organized patterning in human embryonic stem cells[Slides][Video]
8/20, 4:00pm Adrienne Roeder
Discussion: Control of Size [Protected][Podcast][Protected][Video]
8/21, 9:00am James Briscoe
Crick Inst., London & KITP
Dynamics of Neural Tube Development[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/21, 10:45am Marcus Heisler
U. Sydney
They may look the same but do they develop the same?[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/21, 4:00pm Elena Camacho Aguilar
Rice U.
Singularities in cell differentiation[Podcast][Video]
8/22, 9:00am Henrik Jonsson
Sainsbury Lab, Cambridge
The power of (non)moving cells in plants[Podcast][Video]
8/22, 10:45am Eric Siggia
Synthetic Embryology: a new window on mammalian development[Slides][Podcast][Video]
8/23, 9:00am All Students Presentations I[Podcast][Video]
8/23, 10:45am All Students Presentations II[Podcast][Video]
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