Schedule Nov 13, 2007
Diagrammatic Monte Carlo Method for Fermions
Philipp Werner, Columbia & KITP

I will present a recently developed continuous-time QMC method for impurity models [1,2] which is based on a diagrammatic expansion of the partition function in the impurity-bath hybridization. This algorithm enables the efficient DMFT-simulation of strongly correlated systems and I will illustrate its power and flexibility with applications to Hubbard, Holstein-Hubbard, Kondo-lattice and multi-orbital models.

  1. P. Werner et al., Continuous-Time Solver for Quantum Impurity Models, Phys. Rev. Lett. 97, 076405 (2006).
  2. P. Werner and A.J. Millis, Hybridization expansion impurity solver: General formulation and application to Kondo lattice and two-orbital models, Phys. Rev. B 74, 155107 (2006).

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