Holography provides a powerful tool to study non-equilibrium dynamics in
strongly coupled quantum field theories, mapping challenging D
dimensional quantum dynamics on to semi-classical gravity in D+1
dimensions. One interesting quantum field theory process to study is the
creation and thermalization of a D = 4 strongly coupled quark-gluon
plasma. Heavy ion collisions at RHIC and the LHC suggest that
quark-gluon plasma can be created and thermalize in a time as short as 1
fm/c, the time it takes for light to traverse the diameter of a proton.
Understanding the dynamics responsible for such rapid thermalization is
a challenge using traditional perturbative field theory. Via holography,
the creation of a quark-gluon plasma maps into the process of
gravitational collapse and black brane formation. The thermalization of
the quark-gluon plasma maps into the relaxation of the black brane
geometry and thermalization of its Hawking radiation. I will describe
new techniques for studying holographic thermalization and present
results for thermalization times and mechanisms.