09:02:30 From KITP Moderator to Everyone: If online people have a question or want to make a comment, just raise your hand and I’ll ask you to unmute and ask, etc. 09:16:28 From Matthias Degroote to Everyone: For the minimal nr of parameters: how many are not infinitessimally small and how does it compare in this sense with the other approaches? 09:17:39 From Minh Tran to Everyone: Does the convergence rate also improve when you enforce symmetry? 10:02:50 ###: Can you repeat the response on what orbital basis is being used? 10:05:24 From Michael Kaicher to Everyone: what's the paper you refer to @ryan for the compact circuit for fermionic UCC 10:08:15 From KITP Moderator to Everyone: Its the low rank simulations of electronic structure that is with Mario Motta as the first author. It is a collaboration between my group and Garnet Chan’s 10:08:43 From KITP Moderator to Everyone: https://www.nature.com/articles/s41534-021-00416-z 10:11:23 From Michael Kaicher to Everyone: Thanks! 10:28:55 From Matthias Degroote to Everyone: Have you looked at the complex plot as well? There might be a slice where it does resemble the classical CC 10:58:25 From Lin Lin to Everyone: It seems that the number of parameters of dUCC-SPQE is only slightly smaller than that of selected CI (at most a factor of 2 or 3). But selected CI is much easier to implement right?