KITP Conference on QCD and Gauge Theory Dynamics in the RHIC Era (Apr 8-12, 2002)
Coordinators: D. Kharzeev, E. Mottola, & K. Rajagopal

Speakers: We need your slides, by scanning or by file upload. Please see the KITP staff members at the desk.

Time Speaker Title
Monday, April 8
8:45am David Gross Welcome[Aud][Cam]
9:00am Frank Wilczek Frontiers of QCD[Slides][Aud][Cam]
10:00am Helmut Satz Probing the States of Matter in QCD[Slides][Aud][Cam]
11:30am Flemming Videbaek Global and Hadronic Observable from BRAHMS[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2:00pm Tom Hemmick QCD in the Heat Bath: Results from PHENIX at RHIC[Slides][Aud][Cam]
3:00pm Wit Busza RHIC Phenomenology as seen by Phobos[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4:30pm John Harris Overview of New Results and "Still-Puzzling" Results from STAR[Slides][Aud][Cam]
Tuesday, April 9
9:00am Frithjof Karsch Hadron Correlators, Spectral Functions and Dilepton Rates from Lattice QCD[Slides][Aud][Cam]
9:45am Keijo Kajantie Effective Theory for the Free Energy of Hot QCD[Slides][Aud][Cam]
11:00am Axel Drees Summary of SPS Results: Hadron Production[Slides][Aud][Cam]
11:45am Itzhak Tserruya Summary of SPS Results: Dilepton and Photon Production[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2:00pm Rolf Baier Energy Loss and Quenching of Hadron Spectra[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2:45pm Xin-Nian Wang Modified Fragmentation Function and Jet Tomography of Dense Matter[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4:00pm Barbara Jacak Are Jets Suppressed at RHIC?[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4:45pm Peter Jacobs High pT Hadrons and Nuclear Medium Effects[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5:30pm Yasuyuki Akiba Single Electron and Charm Production at RHIC[Slides][Aud][Cam]
Wednesday, April 10
9:00am Uwe-Jens Wiese Simulating Dense Matter: Progress and Problems[Slides][Aud][Cam]
9:45am Mark Alford Color Superconducting Quark Matter[Slides][Aud][Cam]
11:00am Thomas Schaefer Phases of QCD at High Baryon Density[Slides][Aud][Cam]
11:45am Cristina Manuel Transport Equations for the Quark-Gluon Plasma[Slides][Aud][Cam]
12:30pm Marzia Rosati Charmonium Production in Heavy Ion Collisions[Aud][Cam]
Thursday, April 11
9:00am Peter Steinberg Everything Counts: Global Multiplicity Measurements in Heavy Ion Collisions[Slides][Aud][Cam]
9:30am Dave Morrison What You Know That Isn't So: HBT, Et and Energy Density at RHIC[Slides][Aud][Cam]
10:00am Huan Huang Baryon Production and Gluonic Dynamics at RHIC[Slides][Aud][Cam]
11:00am Thomas Ullrich What Does RHIC Data Tell us About Thermalization?[Slides][Aud][Cam]
11:45am Ulrich Heinz Flow and Early Thermalization at RHIC[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2:00pm Dan Boyanovsky Photons from a QGP of Finite Lifetime[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2:45pm Larry Yaffe Photon Emission from HOT QCD: Complete Leading Order Analysis[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4:00pm Paul Stankus Direct Photon Measurements in Heavy Ion Collisions[Slides][Aud][Cam]
4:45pm Juergen Berges Pions far from Equilibrium[Slides][Aud][Cam]
5:15pm Spencer Klein Probing the Nucleus with Ultra-Peripheral Collisions[Slides][Aud][Cam]
Friday, April 12
9:00am Brian Cole Proton Structure and the Role of Valence Quarks in Soft Hadronic Interactions[Slides][Aud][Cam]
9:45am Alex Kovner Perturbative Saturation: Systems Large and Small[Slides][Aud][Cam]
11:00am Raju Venugopalan From Small x to Heavy Ion Collisions[Slides][Aud][Cam]
11:45am Bolek Wyslouch Heavy Ion Collisions at LHC[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2:00pm Misha Stephanov Fluctuations: theory[Slides][Aud][Cam]
2:45pm Gunther Roland Fluctuations: experiment[Slides][Aud][Cam]
Wit Busza, Moderator
Participants: Jean-Paul Blaizot, Peter Braun-Munzinger, Ulrich Heinz, Barbara Jacak, Larry McLerran, Berndt Muller, Rob Pisarski, Jack Sandweiss, Helmut Satz, Edward Shuryak.[Slides][Aud][Cam]

Poster A.Arrizabalaga Gauge-fixing dependence of Phi-derivable approximations
Poster J.Bowers
The crystallography of color superconductivity
Poster H.Fujii
Propagation of an energetic color dipole in random gauge fields
Poster H. van Hees Renormalization of conserved self-consistent Dyson resummation schemes
Poster D.Hong
Positivity of high density effective theory
Poster H.Pirner Low x scattering as a critical phenomenon
Poster A.Rajantie Vortex formation as a probe of non-equilibrium gauge dynamics

last modified 4/07/02 dme