I present dust features and masses observed in young supernova remnants
(SNRs) with Spitzer Infrared Spectrograph (IRS) mapping and staring
observations of a few youngest supernova remnants including Cas A, SNR
1E102.2-7219 (E0102), N132D, G11.2-0.3 and G54.1+0.3. The spectral
mapping data revealed a number of dust features which include 21
micron-peak dust and featureless dust in Cas A and 18-micron peak dust
in E0102 and N132D. We also report the 21-mcron dust feature from another
of G54. 1+0.3 and compare with those of Cas A. The 18
micron-peak feature is fitted by a mix of MgSiO3 and solid Si dust
grains, while the 21-micron peak dust is by a mix of SiO2, silicates and
FeO; we also explore dust fitting using Continuous Distribution of
Ellipsoid grain models. We report detection of CO first overtone band
from Cas A in near-infrared imaging and of CO fundamental band using
AKARI spectra. We review dust features observed and identified in other
SNRs. The dust emission is spatially correlated with the ejecta
emission, showing dust is formed in SN ejecta. The spectra of E0102 show
rich gas lines from ejecta including strong ejecta lines of Ne and O,
including two [Ne III] lines and two [Ne V] lines which allow us to
diagnostic density and temperature of the ejecta and measure the ejecta
masses. I discuss compositions and masses of dust and association with
those of ejecta and finally, dust contribution from SNe to early