KITP Program: Layering in Atmospheres, Oceans and Plasmas
(Jan 11 - Mar 12, 2021)
Coordinators: Patrick H. Diamond, Pascale Garaud, David W. Hughes, and Bruce Sutherland
Scientific Advisors: Mary-Louise Timmermans and Bill Young

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Balmforth, Neil (UBC)
Buhler, Oliver (NYU)
Cenedese, Claudia (Woods Hole)
Chini, Gregory (UNH)
Constantinou, Navid (ANU)
Cope, Laura (Cambridge)
Currie, Laura (Exeter)
Dhingra, Sonal (Delhi Univ.)
Diamond, Pat (UCSD)
Dif-Pradalier, Guilhem (CEA Cadarache)
Dritschel, David (St Andrews)
Falkovich, Gregory (Weizmann Inst.)
Farrell, Brian (Harvard)
Ferrari, Raffaele (MIT)
Garaud, Pascale (UCSC)
Garbet, Xavier (CEA Cadarache)
Guo, Weixin (HUST)
Gürcan, Ozgur (Polytechnique)
Hughes, David (Univ. of Leeds)
Ioannou, Petros (Univ. of Athens)
Knobloch, Edgar (Berkeley)
Linden, Paul (Cambridge)
Malkov, Mischa (UCSD)
Mason, Joanne (Exeter)
Mc Elwaine, Jim (Durham Univ.)
Mc Phee Shaw, Erika (WWU)
Müller, Wolf Christian (TU Berlin)
Pandit, Rahul (IISc)
Peltier, Dick (Univ. of Toronto)
Read, Peter R (Oxford)
Sarazin, Yanick (CEA Cadarache)
Scott, Richard (St Andrews)
Sutherland, Bruce (U. Alberta)
Wang, Lu (HUST)
Wingate, Beth (Exeter)
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