Strings '98 ProceedingsContents -alphabetical by author |
Introduction David Gross, Director, ITP Ofer Aharony Quantitative Tests of Maldacena's Conjecture hep-th/9803051,hep-th/9806159 Tom Banks Locality and Holography in AdS/CFT Nathan Berkovits Generalization of the R^4 Conjecture hep-th/9803145 Misha Bershadsky String Expansion as Large N Expansion Adel Bilal DLCQ of M-Theory as the Light-Like Limit Mirjam Cvetic Microstates from the Near-Horizon Geometry of Rotating Black Holes Jan de Boer 6d Supergravity on S^3 X AdS^3 and 2d CFT Michael Dine Enhanced Symmetries and the Ground State of String Theory - and - a Status Report on Multigraviton Scattering in Matrix Theory versus DLCQ Supergravity Mike Douglas Strings, Branes and Noncommutative Geometry Michael Duff Anti-de Sitter Space, Branes, Singletons, Superconformal Field Theories and All That hep-th/9808100,hep-th/9807173,hep-th/9803193 Sergio Ferrara Bulk Gauge Fields in AdS Supergravity and Supersingletons hep-th/9807090 Dan Freedman Anti-de-Sitter Space - a Nice Place to Visit, But You Wouldn't Want to Live There Amit Giveon Comments on String Theory on Anti de Sitter Space Michael Green Non-Perturbative Effects in Superstring and Yang--Mills Theory hep-th/9712195,hep-th/9804170,hep-th/9807033 Brian Greene Aspects of D-branes on Curved Space David Gross Aspects of Large N Gauge Theory Dynamics as Seen by String Theory Steve Gubser Gauge Theory Correlators From Supergravity Amihay Hanany Brane Box Models Jeff Harvey A Few Bumps on the M5 Petr Horava M-Theory, Field Theory and Holography hep-th/9712130 Kentaro Hori Consistency Condition for Fivebrane in M Theory on R^5/Z_2 Orbifold Gary Horowitz Negative AdS Energy and its Implications for Large N Gauge Theory hep-th/9808079 Paul Howe Conformal Symmetry, Branes and Fields in Superspace Chris Hull The Times They Are A-Changing Seungjoon Hyun The Background Geometry of DLCQ M Theory and Holography Nissan Itzhaki Non-Conformal Field Theories and Supergravity Shamit Kachru A Non-Superstring, II Renata Kallosh Near Horizon Superspace Igor Klebanov From Black Threebranes to Large N Gauge Theories hep-th/9702076,hep-th/9802109,hep-th/9805156 Barak Kol The Particle Spectrum of N=4 d=4 Gauge Theory and (p,q) Webs hep-th/9710116,hep-th/9712211,hep-th/9801067,hep-th/9804160 Wolfgang Lerche Open-Closed String Mirror Symmetry hep-th/9804176 David Lowe Chiral SUSY Gauge Theories Via Branes hep-th/9801002,hep-th/9805158 Juan Maldacena The Large N Limit of Field Theories and Gravity Emil Martinec The D-star and its Decays Samir Mathur Absorption by D3-Branes Shiraz Minwalla 3-Point Functions of Chiral Operators in D=4 \CN=4 SYM at Large N hep-th/9806074 Greg Moore Arithmetic and Attractors hep-th/9807056,hep-th/9807087 Dave Morrison Non-Spherical Horizons hep-th/9810201 Yaron Oz Glueball Mass Spectrum From Supergravity Eliezer Rabinovici Issues of Extensivity Versus Holography in Anti-de Sitter Spaces Ashoke Sen Stable Non-BPS States in String Theory hep-th/9808141,hep-th/9803194,hep-th/9805019 Savdeep Sethi String Junctions and the BPS Spectrum of N=2 Theories hep-th/9803142,hep-th/9802033,hep-th/9801205 Eva Silverstein A Non-Superstring, I Andy Strominger The Black Hole Horizon Lenny Susskind The Holographic Principle Paul Townsend New Horizons in M-Theory Arkady Tseytlin Strings in AdS_5 x S^5 hep-th/9805028,hep-th/9806095 Toine Van Proeyen From Anti-de Sitter Background to Superconformal World Sheet Symmetry hep-th/9711161,hep-th/9801206,hep-th/9804177,hep-th/9812066 Herman Verlinde Matrix String Interactions Edward Witten Baryons and Branes in Anti de Sitter Space
Klaus Behrndt, Ilka Bruhner, Ingo Gaida CFT's on the boundaries of AdS3 hep-th/9806195 Eduardo Eyras, Bert Janssen, Yolanda Lozano 5-branes, KK-monopoles and T-duality hep-th/9806169 Sebastian de Haro Planckian Scattering as a Holographic Field Theory gr-qc/9806028 Sergei Ketov Making Manifest the Symmetry Enhancement for Coinciding BPS Branes hep-th/9806130 N. Nekrasov D-Particle Bound States Matrix Integrals and KP hep-th/9712241,hep-th/9803265 Aleksey Nudelman High Energy Scattering of D0 branes in SUGRA hep-th/9805202 Victor O. Rivelles Duality Symmetry in the Schwarz-Sen Model Ricardo Schiappa, Kasper Olsen Heterotic T-Duality and the Renormalization Group hep-th/9805074 J. McCarthy, L. Susskind, Andy Wilkins Large N and Dine-Rajaraman Problem
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