Nov 20, 1999
Normalized Supersymmetric Vacuum States in the d-10 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Quantum Mechanics with any Gauge Group
Andrei Smilga, (Univ of Nantes)
The supersymmetric quantum-mechanical system obtained by dimensional reduction
of the 10-dimensional SYM theory involves the continuum spectrum and, on top of
that some normalized supersymmetric vacuum states. For the unitary groups, this
is seen by 3 different methods: 1. Caculating the Witten index with a functional
2. Asymptotic wave function method and 3. The mass deformation method. The
latter method is much simpler than the others. It allows one to obtain the
results not only for the unitary, but also for other groups where more than one
supersymmetric vacuum state appears. For the E_8 gauge group, there are 11
distinct vacua.
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