Eric Brown | Universal models for large-scale coherent flow structures in turbulence[Poster] | |
Junyi Chai | The role of criticality on the horizontal and vertical scales of extratropical eddies in a dry GCM[Poster] | |
Laura Currie | Mean flow generation in rotating two-dimensional convection | |
Gavin Esler | Parametrization of Baroclinic Eddies in a Channel Model | |
Baylor Fox-Kemper | Assessing the Influence of Surface and Wind Waves to the Global Climate by Incorporating Wavewatch III in CESM | |
Anna Frishman | A single velocity snapshot reveals the future and the past of pairs of particles in turbulence | |
Samuel Hunter | Waves in shallow water magnetohydrodynamics[Poster] | |
Keiichi Ishioka | A Proof for the Equivalence of Two Upper Bounds for the Growth of Disturbances from Barotropic Instability[Poster] | |
Young-Dae Jung | Influence of dynamic screening on the electron-ion bremsstrahlung process in turbulent plasmas[Poster] | |
X. San Liang | Canonical transfer and mean-eddy interaction in incompressible fluid flows | |
Lucie Alvan Allan Sacha Brun Stephane Mathis |
Detailed analysis of internal waves in stars[Poster] | |
Bettina Meyer | 2nd order closure form cumulant expansion for boundary layer turbulence | |
Cesare Nardini | Stochastic averaging, jet formation and bistability in turbulent planetary atmospheres[Poster] | |
Jeff Parker | Connection between Zonostrophic Instability and Modulational Instability[Poster] | |
Wanming Qi | Direct Statistical Simulation of Flows by Expansions in Cumulants[Poster] | |
Mykhailo Rudko | On the lifecycles and transport properties of vortices on the beta-plane | |
Izumi Saito | Angular distribution of energy spectrum in two-dimensional beta-plane turbulence in the long-wave limit[Poster] | |
Jonathan Squire | Nonmodal growth of the magnetorotational instability[Poster] | |
Talia Tamarin | The role of eddy-mean flow interaction in shaping midlatitude storm tracks[Poster] | |
Brad Marston Steve Tobias |
Direct Statistical Simulation of Astrophysical Flows[Poster] | |
Dr Paul Williams | Zonal jet formation in numerical simulations of a large rotating annulus experiment[Poster] | |
Jack Wood | Modelling Jupiter's variably conducting outer atmosphere | |
Jin-Han Xie | Topographic wave-mean flow interactions in an inertial layer | |
Yuki Yasuda | Physical Interpretation on the Spontaneous Radiation of Inertia-gravity Waves Using the Renormalization Group Method[Poster] | |
Vladimir Zhdankin | Energy Dissipation in Magnetohydrodynamic Turbulence: Coherent Structures or Nanoflares? |