KITP Program: Turbulence in Astrophysical Environments
(Jan 8 - Mar 15, 2024)
Coordinators: Axel Brandenburg, Gregory Howes, Yuan Li, Sasha Tchekhovskoy and Siyao Xu

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Speakers: Please contact us about file upload for your slides.

Time Speaker Title
1/08, 2:00pm All Participants Meet and Greet
1/09, 10:30am Norman Murray
University of Toronto
Astrophysical Turbulence[Video][CC]
1/11, 10:30am Mark Krumholz
Australian National University
Constraining cosmic ray transport with non-thermal messengers[Slides][Video][CC]
1/12, 10:30am Jennifer Schober
Laboratory of Astrophysics (LASTRO, EPFL)
Turbulent dynamos and their radio signatures across cosmic times[Video][CC]
1/16, 10:30am Eva Ntormousi
Scuola Normale Superiore
The time-dependent B-rho relation in MHD galaxy simulations[Video][CC]
1/18, 10:30am Matthew Liska
(Georgia Tech)
Nick Kaaz
(Northwestern University)
How important is MRI in warped accretion disks?[Video][CC]
1/18, 2:00pm Mehrnoosh Tahani
Stanford University
Role of Magnetic fields: The Need for 3D Mapping of Interstellar Magnetic Fields[Video][CC]
1/18, 2:30pm Shu-ichiro Inutsuka
Nagoya University
Mass and Rotation of Astronomical Objects: Dependence on Turbulence Spectrum[Video][CC]
1/19, 10:30am Bing Zhang
Magnetic fields in fast radio bursts[Video][CC]
1/22, 2:00pm All Participants Meet and greet
1/23, 10:30am Lorenzo Sironi
Columbia University/CCA
Generation and annihilation of magnetic fields in turbulent collisionless plasmas[Video][CC]
1/24, 10:30am Max Gronke
Max Planck institute for Astrophysics
Shear Flow Turbulence[Video]
1/25, 10:30am Kyle Parfrey
Interactions between MRI-turbulent accretion flows and neutron star magnetospheres[Video][CC]
1/26, 10:30am Eliot Quataert
Princeton University
Cross-cutting themes in astrophysical turbulence[Video]
1/29, 2:00pm All Participants Meet and greets
1/30, 10:30am Di Li
National Astronomical Observatories, Chinese Academy of Sciences
New tools (Core Velocity Dispersion & Vortex Tetrahedron) and New insights into Turbulence in Star Forming Regions[Slides][Video][CC]
2/01, 10:30am Mordecai Mark Mac Low
American Museum of Natural History
Galactic Dynamos[Video][CC]
2/02, 10:30am Alexei Kritsuk
UC San Diego
The energy spectrum of compressible turbulence
(no zoom, no recording)
2/05, 2:00pm All Participants Meet and greets
2/06, 10:30am Ethan Vishniac
Johns Hopkins
Discussion on dynamo[Video]
2/06, 2:30pm Jonatan Jacquemine Ide
Northwestern University, CIERA
Magnetorotational dynamo can generate large-scale vertical magnetic fields in 3D GRMHD simulations of accreting black holes[Video][CC]
2/07, 10:30am Omer Bromberg
Tel Aviv University
Relativistic Jet Boundary Instabilities[Video]
2/14, 10:00am All Participants Meet and Greet
2/14, 10:15am Hsiao-Wen Chen
U Chicago
Discussion on CGM observations[Slides][Video]
2/15, 10:30am Megan Donahue
Yuanyuan Su
Irina Zhuravleva
(U Chicago)
Turbulence in the ICM (observations)[Video][CC]
2/16, 10:30am Mateusz Ruszkowski
(U of Michigan)
Rajsekhar Mohapatra
Peng Oh
Philipp Kempski
Turbulence in the ICM and CGM (theories and simulations)[Video][CC]
2/20-2/23 Conference: Turbulence in the Universe
2/26, 12:15pm Siyao Xu
Turbulence in the Universe [Video]
KITP Blackboard Lunch
2/26, 2:00pm All Participants Meet and greets
2/27, 10:30am Martin Lemoine
Yue Hu
Propagation and acceleration of cosmic rays in MHD turbulence[Video][CC]
2/27, 2:00pm James Beattie
Ka Wai Ho
Capabilities and limitations of numerical studies on MHD turbulence in diverse astrophysical systems[Video]
2/28, 10:30am Alina Kochocki
A Multimessenger View of Acceleration in AGN Cores[Video][CC]
2/28, 11:15am Bete De Gouveia Dal Pino
Turbulence, CRs and Multi-messenger Emission Interlinks[Video][CC]
2/29, 10:30am Peng Oh
Simulations of Fermi II reacceleration of cosmic rays[Slides][Video][CC]
2/29, 10:30am Trung Ha
North Texas
Segmentation of Current Sheets in Magnetized Plasma Turbulence with Computer Vision[Slides][Video][CC]
2/29, 2:00pm Goni Halevi
Matteo Cantiello
(Flatiron Institute)
Turbulence and mixing in stars and stellar explosions[Video][CC]
3/04, 2:00pm All Participants Meet and greets
3/05, 10:30am Mark Voit
(Michigan State University)
Evan Scannapieco
(Arizona State University)
Turbulence and Evolution of the Multiphase CGM[Video][CC]
3/05, 2:00pm Evan Anders
Why do massive stars have "inflated" cores?[Video][CC]
3/05, 2:30pm Koushik Chatterjee
Magnetically arrested disks: eruptions, outflows and angular momentum transport[Slides][Video][CC]
3/07, 10:30am Marcus Brueggen
Hamburg University
The rise of filaments[Slides][Video]
3/07, 11:00am Yuan Li
University of North Texas
The rise of filaments - turbulence in the intracluster medium[Video]
3/08, 10:30am Philipp Moesta
(University of Amsterdam)
Danat Issa
(Northwestern University)
Simulations of Magnetized Stellar Explosions[Video]
3/11, 2:00pm All Participants Meet and Greet
3/12, 10:30am Axel Brandenburg
Sasha Tchekhovskoy
Bring Your Own Laptop: Mystery Discussion[Video][CC]
3/13, 10:30am Phil Hopkins
Magnetically-Dominated, Flux-Frozen Accretion Disks - Is the MRI Relevant?[Video][CC]
3/13, 2:00pm Francois Foucart
Elias Most
MHD effects in colliding neutron stars: from merger simulations to astrophysical observables[Video]
3/14, 10:30am Omer Blaes
Charles Gammie
(Univ. of Illinois)
Jim Stone
Magnetorotational Turbulence In Disks[Video]
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