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Recent Talks, Programs and Conferences:
Harnessing Quantum-optical Techniques in Solid-state Materials
Quantum Optics of Correlated Electron Systems
What is Particle Theory?
Many-body Quantum Optics
Active Solids: From Metamaterials to Biological Tissue
New Perspectives in Many-body Physics with Quantum Optical Systems
Gravitational Wave Background Found in Pulsar Timing Arrays: Implications for Merging Supermassive Black Holes
Tunable Two-Dimensional Materials: Moiré and Beyond
The Many Faces of Active Mechanics
Interactions and Co-evolution between Viruses and Immune Systems
Cosmic Dawn Revealed by JWST: The Physics of the First Stars, Galaxies, and Black Holes
Tunable Two-Dimensional Materials: Moiré and Beyond
Moiré materials: A New Paradigm in Tunable Quantum Matter
Cosmic Origins: The First Billion Years
Horizontal Gene Transfer and Mobile Elements in Microbial Ecology and Evolution
Interconnections between the Physics of Plasmas and Self-gravitating Systems
Dark Matter Theory, Simulation, and Analysis in the Era of Large Surveys
Cosmic Signals of Dark Matter Physics: New Synergies
Correlated Gapless Quantum Matter
Theories, Experiments and Numerics on Gapless Quantum Many-body Systems
Towards a Physical Understanding of Tidal Disruption Events
Teachers' Conference: Supermassive Black Holes and their Destructive Tidal Forces
Anticipating the Rising Tide of Tidal Disruption Events: Theory and Observations
What is String Theory? Weaving Perspectives Together
Spacetime and String Theory
Turbulence in Astrophysical Environments
Turbulence in the Universe
Jim Hartle’s Legacy
Deep Learning from the Perspective of Physics and Neuroscience
Out-of-equilibrium Dynamics and Quantum Information of Many-body Systems with Long-range Interactions
Particle Theory Initiative
Exploring Non-equilibrium Long-range Quantum Matter
Quantum Materials With and Without Quasiparticles
Interfaces and Mixing in Fluids, Plasmas, and Materials
New Directions in Quantum Metrology
Frontiers of Quantum Metrology: Fundamental Physics, Unexpected Connections, and Novel Applications
Electron Correlations beyond the Quasiparticle Paradigm: Theory and Experiment
A New Spin on Quantum Magnets
Dynamical Response and Transport in Quantum Magnets
Dynamics of Self-Organization in Animal and Plant Development
Statistical Learning in the Brain
Timescales of Plasticity and Underlying Mechanisms
The Many Faces of Relativistic Fluid Dynamics
A Quantum Universe in a Crystal: Symmetry and Topology across the Correlation Spectrum
Nanoparticle Assemblies: A New Form of Matter with Classical Structure and Quantum Function
Structure Design and Emerging Phenomena in Nanoparticle Assemblies: What’s next?
Topology, Symmetry and Interactions in Crystals: Emerging Concepts and Unifying Themes
Teachers' Conference: What’s in a crystal? – A quantum universe
A Quantum Universe in a Crystal: Symmetry and Topology across the Correlation Spectrum
Galaxy Formation and Evolution in the Data Science Era
Building a Physical Understanding of Galaxy Evolution with Data-driven Astronomy
Physics & Special Holonomy (A Meeting of the Simons Collaboration)
The Cosmic Web: Connecting Galaxies to Cosmology at High and Low Redshift
Muon Collider Workshop
Bootstrapping Quantum Gravity
The Co-evolution of the Cosmic Web and Galaxies across Cosmic Time
Gravity from algebra: Modern field theory methods for holography
Multiphase Flows in Geophysics and the Environment
White Dwarfs as Probes of the Evolution of Planets, Stars, the Milky Way and the Expanding Universe
White Dwarfs from Physics to Astrophysics
Atmospheres, Oceans, Earths -- Unifying perspectives on geophysical and environmental multiphase flows
Quantitative Biology of Non-growing Microbes
Integrability in String, Field, and Condensed Matter Theory
Quantum Many-Body Dynamics and Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Systems
Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum Systems: Advances and Applications
Talking Integrability: Spins, Fields, and Strings
The Neurophysics of Locomotion
Quantum and Thermal Electrodynamic Fluctuations in the Presence of Matter: Progress and Challenges
Emerging Regimes and Implications of Quantum and Thermal Fluctuational Electrodynamics
Towards an Integrative View of Adaptation: Bridging Population and Quantitative Genetics
Living Near Unitarity
High-Precision Gravitational Waves
Opportunities and Challenges in Few-Body Physics: Unitarity and Beyond
Recent Progress in the Experimental and Theoretical search for Pair-Density-Wave Order
Bridging the Gap: Accretion and Orbital Evolution in Stellar and Black Hole Binaries
Storming the Gravitational Wave Frontier
Neutrinos as a Portal to New Physics and Astrophysics
Interdisciplinary Developments in Neutrino Physics
Teachers Conference: Neutrinos and New Physics
Building Bridges: Towards a Unified Picture of Stellar and Black Hole Binary Accretion and Evolution
Towards Classically Intractable Quantum Simulations of Physics and Chemistry
Snowmass Theory Frontier Conference
Confinement, Flux Tubes, and Large N
Flux tubes, Quark Confinement and Exotic Hadrons
Machine Learning and the Physics of Climate
Probes of Transport in Stars
Transport in Stellar Interiors
Machine Learning for Climate
National Society of Black Physicists: Innovate Seminar Series
Energy and Information Transport in Non-Equilibrium Quantum Systems;
Non-Equilibrium Universality: From Classical to Quantum and Back
Non-Equilibrium Universality: From Classical to Quantum and Back
Energy and Information Transport in Non-Equilibrium Quantum Systems
Non-Equilibrium Universality in Many-Body Physics
Transport and Efficient Energy Conversion in Quantum Systems
The Ecology and Evolution of Microbial Communities
Interacting Topological Matter: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Systems
The Physics of Elastic Films: from Biological Membranes to Extreme Mechanics
Majorana zero modes: New developments in experiment and theory, and the road ahead
New Physics from Precision at High Energies
Novel Experiments for Fundamental Physics
Teachers' Conference: White Dwarfs as Cosmic Laboratories
White Dwarfs from Physics to Astrophysics
Morphogenesis: in search of principles
Forum on Microbial Metabolism
Layering in Atmospheres, Oceans and Plasmas
Fundamentals of Gaseous Halos
Modularity in Quantum Systems
Correlated Systems with Multicomponent Local Hilbert Spaces
Online Conference: Symmetries in Morphogenesis: from Mechanisms to Principles
Online Conference: Frontiers of Quantum Computing and Quantum Dynamics
Online Conference: On the Origin, Nature, and Mixing of Multiphase Gas in Astrophysics
Online Conference: UV Meets the IR: Effective Field Theory Bounds from QFT to String Theory
Online Conference: The Frontiers of Event Horizon Scale Accretion
Online Conference: Unconventional Magnetism and Novel Probes in Heterostructures
Online Conference: Bacteriophage Forum
Probing Effective Theories of Gravity in Strong Fields and Cosmology
Reunion Conference: Exostar Redux
Reunion Conference: Correlated Phases in Moire Materials: One Year Later
Reunion Conference: The Galaxy-Halo Connection Across Cosmic Time: Recent Updates
Reunion Conference: Scattering Amplitudes and Beyond
Reunion Conference: Return of the Intertwined: New Developments in Correlated Materials
Reunion Conference: Resurgence @ KITP 2020
Biological Physics of Chromosomes
Globular Clusters at the Nexus of Star and Galaxy Formation
Thermodynamics and Topology in Active Matter
String Swampland and Quantum Gravity Constraints on Effective Theories
Inflationary Reheating Meets Particle Physics Frontier
Teachers' Conference: Spacetime, Holography, and Entanglement
Geometry from the Quantum
Gravitational Holography
From Inflation to the Hot Big Bang
Cellular Energetics
Spintronics Meets Topology in Quantum Materials
Spin and Heat Transport in Quantum and Topological Materials
3rd EPiQS-TMS alliance workshop on Topological Phenomena in Quantum Materials
Topological Quantum Matter: From Fantasy to Reality
KITP Particle Physics Phenomenology Seminars
Connecting Micro and Macro Scales: Acceleration, Reconnection, and Dissipation in Astrophysical Plasmas
Topological Quantum Matter: Concepts and Realizations
Multiscale Phenomena in Plasma Astrophysics
Morphogenesis in Animals and Plants: Search for Principles
Tensions between the Early and the Late Universe
Merging Visions: Exploring Compact-Object Binaries with Gravity and Light
The New Era of Gravitational-Wave Physics and Astrophysics
Origin of the Vacuum Energy and Electroweak Scales
Jim Hartle Fest: A man with no boundaries
Open Digital Infrastructure in Astrophysics
Planet-Star Connections in the Era of TESS and Gaia
Exploring Open Quantum Systems in Quantum Simulators
Open Quantum System Dynamics: Quantum Simulators and Simulations Far From Equilibrium
Physics & Special Holonomy (A Meeting of the Simons Collaboration)
Better Stars, Better Planets: Exploiting the Stellar-Exoplanetary Synergy
In the Balance: Stasis and Disequilibrium in the Milky Way
Dynamical Models for Stars and Gas in Galaxies in the Gaia Era
Teachers' Conference: Automating Insight: Pushing the Frontier of Quantum Physics with Machine Learning
At the Crossroad of Physics and Machine Learning
Machine Learning for Quantum Many-Body Physics
Correlations in Moire Flat Bands
The Rough High-Dimensional Landscape Problem
Rough Landscapes: From Physics to Algorithms
Polchinski Science Symposium
Order from Chaos
Louis Kauffman: Revolutions in Knots, Braids and Physics
Quantum Knot Invariants and Supersymmetric Gauge Theories
Stephen Shenker: Chaos, Black Holes and Quantum Mechanics
Chaos and Order: from Strongly Correlated Systems to Black Holes
Recording, analyzing, manipulating, and modeling whole brain activity
Novel Approaches to Quantum Dynamics
The Dynamics of Quantum Information
Neural computations for sensory navigation: mechanisms, models, and biomimetic applications
CIDER Program: Relating Geophysical and Geochemical Heterogeneity in the Deep Earth
Integrative Cardiac Dynamics
Quantum Thermodynamics
Thermodynamics of quantum systems: Measurement, engines, and control
Stephen Belcher: New Challenges for Climate Science Following the Paris Agreement
Frontiers in Oceanic, Atmospheric, and Cryospheric Boundary Layers
Dark matter detection and detectability: paradigm confirmation or shift?
The Small-Scale Structure of Cold(?) Dark Matter
New Probes for Physics Beyond the Standard Model
Boundary Layers in Atmospheres, Oceans, and Ice on Earth and Moons
High Energy Physics at the Sensitivity Frontier
Hadronic Parity Violation (HPNC)
Teachers' Conference: Matter of Memory
Memory Formation: From Condensed Matter to Biological Matter and Beyond
Non-linear mechanics and rheology of dense suspensions: Nanoscale structure to macroscopic behavior
Memory Formation in Matter
Physics of Dense Suspensions
GW170817: The First Double Neutron Star Merger
Astrophysics from a Neutron Star Merger
A kilonova discovered from the gravitational waves from merging neutron stars
Resurgence in Gauge and String Theory
Resurgent Asymptotics in Physics and Mathematics
Frontiers of Quantum Information Physics
Quantum Physics of Information
Order, Fluctuations, and Strong Correlations: New Platforms and Developments
Eco-Evolutionary Dynamics in Nature and the Lab
Intertwined Order and Fluctuations in Quantum Materials
Physics of Hearing: From Neurobiology to Information Theory and Back
Quantifying and Understanding the Galaxy-Halo Connection
The Galaxy-Halo Connection Across Cosmic Time
Scattering Amplitudes: from Gauge Theory to Gravity
Scattering Amplitudes and Beyond
KITP Teachers' Conference: How to catch a gravitational wave: Exploring the universe with LIGO
Phenomena, Physics, and Puzzles Of Massive Stars and their Explosive Outcomes
The Mysteries and Inner Workings of Massive Stars
Disks, Dynamos, and Data: Confronting MHD Accretion Theory with Observations
Confronting MHD Theories of Accretion Disks with Observations
Recurrence, Self-Organization, and the Dynamics Of Turbulence
Recurrent Flows: The Clockwork Behind Turbulence
Kohn Science Symposium
Designer Quantum Systems Out of Equilibrium
Topological Quantum Matter
Symmetry, Topology, and Quantum Phases of Matter: From Tensor Networks to Physical Realizations
Immanuel Bloch: Realizing Feynman's Dream of a Quantum Simulator
Symmetry Tests in Nuclei and Atoms
Synthetic Quantum Matter
Frontiers in Nuclear Physics
Astrophysics from LIGO's First Black Holes
From Genes to Growth and Form
CIDER Summer Program: Flow in the Deep Earth
Molecules and dust as fuel to star formation
New Accelerators for the 21st Century
Stress-testing the Standard Model at the LHC
The Cold Universe
Zvi Bern: Do I have to draw you a diagram? A tale of quantum gravity
Experimental Challenges for the LHC Run II
LHC Run II and the Precision Frontier
Rai Weiss: 100 Years of gravitational waves: The observation of a binary black hole collision
New approaches to non-equilibrium and random systems: KPZ integrability, universality, applications and experiments
Geometry, elasticity, fluctuations, and order in 2D soft matter
Quantitative Immunology
Curt Callan: The Biological Future of Theoretical Physics
Quantum Error Correction and Tensor Networks
Blackboard Lunches
Aspects and applications of many-body localization
Many-body Localization
Many-Body Physics with Light
Non-equilibrium Dynamics of Strongly Interacting Photons
Lattice Gauge Theory for the LHC and Beyond
Evolutionary Cell Biology and the Course of Cellular Evolution
Novel States in Spin-Orbit Coupled Quantum Matter: from Models to Materials
New Phases and Emergent Phenomena in Correlated Materials with Strong Spin-Orbit Coupling
Conference on Olfaction
Deconstructing the Sense of Smell
KITP Workshop for Theorists at Undergraduate Institutions
Closing the entanglement gap: Quantum information, quantum matter, and quantum fields
Entanglement in Strongly-Correlated Quantum Matter
Quantum Gravity Foundations: UV to IR
KITP Teachers' Conference: Worlds Suited for Biology: The Search for Life in the Universe
Conny Aerts: Starquakes and Exoplanets in the Milky Way
Physics of Exoplanets: From Earth-sized to Mini-Neptunes
The Milky Way and its Stars: Stellar Astrophysics, Galactic Archaeology, and Stellar Populations
Galactic Archaeology and Precision Stellar Astrophysics
Dynamics and Evolution of Earth-like Planets
J. Polchinski: Spacetime versus the Quantum
R. Shankar: From zero to c in 60 minutes -- A crash course in Einstein's relativity
Neutrinos: Recent Developments and Future Challenges
Complexity in mechanics: Intermittency and collective phenomena in disordered solids
Present and Future Neutrino Physics
Avalanches, Intermittency, and Nonlinear Response in Far-From-Equilibrium Solids
Strong Correlations and Unconventional Superconductivity: Towards a Conceptual Framework
Magnetism, Bad Metals and Superconductivity: Iron Pnictides and Beyond
Frontiers of Intense Laser Physics
Evolution of Drug Resistance
CIDER: Dynamics of Planetary Interiors
Gravity's Loyal Opposition: The Physics of Star Formation Feedback
Fire Down Below: The Impact of Feedback on Star and Galaxy Formation
Wave-Flow Interaction in Geophysics, Climate, Astrophysics, and Plasmas
Eddy - Mean-Flow Interactions in Fluids
From the Renormalization Group to Quantum Gravity: Celebrating the science of Joe Polchinski
Theo Geisel: Rhythms & Algorithms ~ Physics and Music
KITP Teachers' Conference: The Physics of Flocking: From Cells to Crowds
Active Processes in Living and Nonliving Matter
Neurophysics of Space, Time and Learning
Quantum Fields beyond Perturbation Theory
Active Matter: Cytoskeleton, Cells, Tissues and Flocks
New Methods in Nonperturbative Quantum Field Theory
Particle-Laden Flows in Nature
Stuart Parkin: The Spin on Electronics! -- The nanoscience and nanotech of spin currents
Spintronics: Progress in Theory, Materials, and Devices
Concepts in Spintronics
Fluid-Mediated Particle Transport in Geophysical Flows
Black Holes: Complementarity, Fuzz, or Fire?
Massive Black Holes: Birth, Growth and Impact
Eric Wieschaus: On Growth & Form of the Embryo: From Gene Expressions to Tissue Mechanics
New Quantitative Approaches to Morphogenesis
A Universe of Black Holes
Students' Summer Science Program at the KITP
LHC - The First Part of the Journey
Walter Kohn's 90th Birthday Symposium
Snowmass on the Pacific
Identifying and Characterizing Dark Matter via Multiple Probes
Exploring TeV Scale New Physics with LHC Data
Hunting for Dark Matter: Building a cross-disciplinary, multi-pronged approach
Observations and Theoretical Challenges in Primordial Cosmology
Primordial Cosmology
New Science with Ultracold Molecules
Joe Polchinski: Gravity and Quantum Mechanics - The Quest for Unification
KITP Teachers' Conference: A New Quantum Era
New Directions in the Quantum Control Landscape
Cooperation and Major Evolutionary Transitions
Daniel Fisher: Can Evolution Be Understood Quantitatively?
Fundamental Science and Applications of Ultra-cold Polar Molecules
Cooperation and the Evolution of Multicellularity
Control of Complex Quantum Systems
Leo Kouwenhoven: Particle Physics On a Chip: the Search for Majorana Fermions
Majorana Fermion Zero Modes in Solid-State Systems: Experiment and Theory
Quantitative Immunology: Experiments Meet Modeling
Higgs Identification
SCIART 2012: Mysterious: Artists in discussion with Peter Frank
Exotic Phases of Frustrated Magnets
Dynamics and Thermodynamics in Isolated Quantum Systems
Frustrated Magnetism and Quantum Spin Liquids: From Theory and Models to Experiments
Quantum Dynamics in Far from Equilibrium Thermally Isolated Systems
Patrick Brady: How to Detect Ripples in Spacetime
Rattle and Shine: Gravitational Wave and Electromagnetic Studies of Compact Binary Mergers
Chirps, Mergers and Explosions: The Final Moments of Coalescing Compact Binaries
Deep Time: How did Early Earth Become our Modern World?
Knotted Fields
Modeling Soft Matter: Linking Multiple Length and Time Scales
Physics and Mathematics of Cancer
Black Holes and Information
Physical Principles of Multiscale Modeling, Analysis and Simulation in Soft Condensed Matter
Bits, Branes, Black Holes
Diana Kormos Buchwald: Worshipped Today, Scorned Tomorrow...: Albert Einstein and the Perils of Public Engagement
First Galaxies and Faint Dwarfs: Clues to the Small Scale Structure of Cold Dark Matter
First Light and Faintest Dwarfs: Extreme Probes of the Cold Dark Matter Paradigm
Novel Numerical Methods for Strongly Coupled Quantum Field Theory and Quantum Gravity
KITP Teachers' Conference: Graphene
Fundamental Aspects of Graphene and Other Carbon Allotropes
The Physics of Graphene
The Impact of Asteroseismology across Stellar Astrophysics
Asteroseismology in the Space Age
Topological Insulators and Superconductors
William Bialek: More Perfect Than We Imagined: A Physicist's View of Life
Holographic Duality and Condensed Matter Physics
Dynamics of Development
Network Architecture of Brain Structures and Functions
Nonperturbative Effects and Dualities in QFT and Integrable Systems
The First Year of the LHC
Soft Matter Physics Approaches to Biology
Biological Frontiers of Polymer and Soft Matter Physics
Freedman Symposium
The Harmony of Scattering Amplitudes
The Nature of Turbulence
Galaxy Clusters: The Crossroads of Astrophysics and Cosmology
Edward van den Heuvel, Univ Amsterdam: Life After Stellar Death: Supernovae, Neutron Stars, Pulsars, and Black Holes
Benjamin Monreal, UCSB: How Bad is the Reactor Meltdown in Japan?
Monsters, Inc.: Astrophysics and Cosmology with Galaxy Clusters
KITP Teachers' Conference: Physics and Biology: Evolution of Life and Evolution of Science
Bonnie Bassler, Princeton University: How Bacteria Talk to Each Other
Iron-Based Superconductors
Microbial and Viral Evolution
Lars Bildsten: Inauguration to the Wayne Rosing, Simon and Diana Raab Chair in Theoretical Astrophysics
William Phillips: Time, Einstein and the Coolest Stuff in the Universe
Disentangling Quantum Many-body Systems: Computational and Conceptual Approaches
Frontiers of Ultracold Atoms and Molecules
Emerging Techniques in Neuroscience
Beyond Standard Optical Lattices
Out-of-Equilibrium Quantum Systems
X-ray Frontiers
Electron Glasses
Langlands-Type Dualities in Quantum Field Theory
X-ray Science in the 21st Century
Water and Volatiles in the Earth's Mantle and Core
Emerging Concepts in Glass Physics
Exoplanet Science Measurements from Solar System Probes: KISS Workshop
String Vacuum Project Spring Meeting
The Physics of Glasses: Relating Metallic Glasses to Molecular, Polymeric and Oxide Glasses
Adam Burrows: The New Century of Exoplanets
Exoplanets Rising: Astronomy and Planetary Science at the Crossroads
Teachers' Conference: Planets Beyond the Solar System: The New Astronomical Revolution
Strings at the LHC and in the Early Universe
Paul Nurse: The Great Ideas of Biology
Materials by Design: Understanding and Controlling the Electronic Properties of Novel Correlated Electron Systems
Greg Dobler: A Light in the Dark: the Pursuit of the Nature of Dark Matter
The Theory and Observation of Exoplanets
Towards Material Design using Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
Evolutionary Perspectives on Mechanisms of Cellular Organization
Nima Arkani-Hamed: Exploring the Dark Universe
Direct, Indirect and Collider Signals of Dark Matter
Excitations in Condensed Matter: From Basic Concepts to Real Materials
Quantum Information Science
KITP Conference: From Basic Concepts to Real Materials
Nonlinear Processes in Astrophysical Plasmas: Particle Acceleration, Magnetic Field Amplification, and Radiation Signatures
Boris Shraiman: Inauguration to the Susan F. Gurley Chair in Theoretical Physics and Biology
Morphodynamics of Plants, Animals and Beyond
Particle Acceleration in Astrophysical Plasmas
The Physics of Higher Temperature Superconductivity
Stellar Death and Supernovae
Quantum Criticality and the AdS/CFT Correspondence
Quantum Control of Light and Matter
Critical Issues Related to Higher Temperature Superconductors
Low Dimensional Electron Systems
Fundamental Aspects of Superstring Theory
KITP Conference: Concepts and Methods in Quantum Control: Theory and Experiment
KITP Teachers' Conference: Light Meets Matter: Atoms and Lasers
Graphene Week
Mini-conference: Dualities in Physics and Mathematics
Sankar Das Sarma: Quantum Reality
New Directions in Low Dimensional Electron Systems
Formation and Evolution of Globular Clusters
Stanleyfest: Celebration of Stanley Mandelstam's 80th birthday
Quantum Spin Hall Effect and Topological Insulators
Back to the Galaxy II
Building the Milky Way
Population Genetics and Genomics
The Theory and Practice of Fluctuation-Induced Interactions
Science Journalist in Residence
Robbert Dijkgraaf: Mathematics and the Quantum Universe
Gauge Theory and Langlands Duality
Magnetic Field Generation in Experiments, Geophysics and Astrophysics
Boundary Layers in the Earth: a multidisciplinary view
KITP Conference: Anticipating Physics at the LHC Collider
KITP Teachers' Conference: Particle Physics in the Age of the Large Hadron Collider
Pyrogeography & Climate Change
Dynamo Theory
Physics of the Large Hadron Collider
Physics of Climate Change
Frontiers of Climate Science
Sam Wang:
Welcome to Your Brain:
Why You Lose Your Car Keys but Never Forget How to Drive and Other Puzzles of Everyday Life
Anatomy, Development, and Evolution of the Brain
Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Particle Physics and Cosmology
Workshop: Physics and Biology of Morphogenesis
Conference: Nonequilibrium Dynamics in Particle Physics and Cosmology
W. Patrick McCray: Citizen-Scientists and the Dawn of the Space Age
Interplay between Numerical Relativity and Data Analysis
Sr_2RuO_4 and Chiral p-wave Superconductivity
Nate Lewis, Caltech: Challenges for Global Energy
Extragalactic Transients: From Novae to Supernovae
Moments and Multiplets in Mott Materials
Motterials: Spin, Orbital, and Lattice Physics Near the Mott Transition
Star Formation Through Cosmic Time
Star Formation, Then and Now
Theoretical Physicists at Primarily Undergraduate Institutions
Biological Switches and Clocks
Strongly Correlated Phases in Condensed Matter and Degenerate Atomic Systems
Accretion and Explosion: the Astrophysics of Degenerate Stars
Conference: Strongly Correlated Phases in Condensed Matter and Degenerate Atomic Systems
Robert Kirshner: Einstein's Blunder Undone: The Discovery of Cosmic Acceleration
Evolution of Molecular Networks
Conference: Paths to Exploding Stars: Accretion and Eruption
Teachers' Conference: Forging the Elements and Probing the Universe with Stars
Julian Nott: Intellectual Courage and Scientific Ballooning-- Exploring Landscapes Near & Far
Quantum Nature of Spacetime Singularities
Electronic Properties of Graphene
Journalist In Residence
String Phenomenology
Stochastic Geometry and Field Theory: From Growth Phenomena to Disordered Systems
Applications of Gravitational Lensing: Unique Insights into Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Conference: Applications of Gravitational Lensing: Unique Insights into Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Conference: String Phenomenology
Bio Seminar Series
Attosecond Science Workshop
Conference: 3rd LHC Olympic Workshop
Conference on Attosecond Science: Status and Prospects
Alain Karma: Bringing Order to Chaotic Hearts
CIDER Summer Program: The Nature And Dynamics of the Earth's Transition Zone
Cardiac Dynamics
KITP Workshop: Interdisciplinarity and Discipline in Education
Physics of Galactic Nuclei
Conference on Topological Phases and Quantum Computation
John Preskill: Putting Weirdness to Work: Quantum Information Science
New Physical Approaches to Molecular and Cellular Machines
Topological Phases and Quantum Computation
Teachers' Conference on Nanoscience and Quantum Computing
Conference on Spintronics
Transient Universe 2006: Popular, Not so Popular & Knowable Unknowns
The Supernova Gamma-Ray Burst Connection
Scanning New Horizons: GR Beyond 4 Dimensions
The Supersolid State of Matter -- Rapid Response Workshop
Conference on Supernova and Gamma-Ray Burst Remnants
From the Atomic to the Tectonic: Friction, Fracture and Earthquake Physics
Mathematical Structures in String Theory
Michael Atiyah: The Nature of Space
Dan McCleese: The Search for Habitable Environments in the Solar System
Miniprogram: Complexity in Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
Physics of Astrophysical Outflows and Accretion Disks
Conference on Physics of Astrophysical Outflows and Accretion Disks
Conference on Granular Physics
Granular Physics
Astrophysics of Ultra-High Energy Cosmic Rays, Photons, and Neutrinos
Lawrence Badash: Albert Einstein the Peacenik
The Paradoxes of Massive Black Holes: A Case Study in the Milky Way
Quantum Phase Transitions
Theory Seminar Series
Conference on Modern Challenges for Lattice Field Theory
Modern Challenges for Lattice Field Theory
Science, Theatre, Audience, Reader: Theoretical Physics in Drama and Narrative
Networks in Growth, Death and Aging
Conference on Quantum Phase Transitions
Galaxy-Intergalactic Medium Interactions
QCD and String Theory
Conference on QCD and String Theory
Conference on Galaxy-Intergalactic Medium Interactions
Art, Image and Science
The Future of Physics: A Celebration of 25 Years of the KITP
2004 Nobel Prize in Physics to David Gross
Understanding the Brain
William Bialek: From Photons to Perception: A Physicist Looks at The brain
Miniprogram: Relating Geochemical and Seismological Heterogeneity in the Earth's Mantle
Conference on Exotic Order and Criticality in Quantum Matter
Exotic Order and Criticality in Quantum Matter
Quantum Gases
Conference on Quantum Gases
LoopFest III: Radiative Corrections for the Linear Collider
Collider Physics
Conference on Planet Formation: Terrestrial and Extra Solar
Planet Formation: Terrestrial and Extra Solar
Conference on Collider Physics
Charles Beichman: Finding Planets and Searching for Life
Pattern Formation in Physics and Biology
Superstring Cosmology
Conference on Superstring Cosmology
Jean-Pierre Hébert: The Interplay Between Art and Physics
Miniprogram on Geometry, Topology, and Strings
Miniprogram for Theorists at Undergraduate Institutions
Gravitational Interaction of Compact Objects
Glassy States of Matter and Nonequilibrium Quantum Dynamics
Neutrinos: Data, Cosmos, and Planck Scale
Special Lectures: David Gross, Alan Heeger
Bio-Molecular Networks
Workshop: Robustness Analysis Tools with Applications
Shing-Tung Yau: Geometry: Its Charm and Application
Workshop: The Physics of Ultracompact Stellar Binaries
Conference: Globular Clusters: Formation, Evolution and the Role of Compact Objects
Conference on: Realistic Theories of Correlated Electron Materials
Realistic Theories of Correlated Electron Materials
The New Cosmology Confronts Observation: The Cosmic Microwave Background, Dark Matter, Dark Energy, and Brane Worlds
Conference on: The New Cosmology Confronts Observation
TASC02: Theoretical Astrophysics in Southern Calif Meeting
Teachers' Conference: The State of the Universe
Miniprogram on Quantum Optics
QCD and Gauge Theory Dynamics in the RHIC Era
Conference on Black Holes: Theory Confronts Reality, Three Years Later
Dynamics of Complex and Macromolecular Fluids
Solar Magnetism and Related Astrophysics
Miniprogram on Brane World
Conference on Quantum Information
Quantum Information: Entanglement, Decoherence, and Chaos
Nanoscience Program
Nanoscience Conference
Dynamics of Neural Networks: From Biophysics to Behavior
Dynamics of Neural Networks: Pedagogical Program
The Duality Workshop: A Math/Physics Collaboration
Conference on Avatars of M-Theory
String Theory: Is it the Theory of Everything? (Teachers' Conference)
Walter Kohn: Reflections of a Physicist...
Pacific Coast Gravity Meeting
Statistical Physics and Biological Information
Physics at High Pressures
Spin and Magnetism in Young Neutron Stars
High Temperature Superconductivity
2000 Nobel Prizes in Physics and Chemistry
High Temperature Superconductivity: What Is It? (Teachers' Conference)
Probing the Universe with the Cosmic Microwave Background
Conference on Astrophysical Turbulence
Program on Astrophysical Turbulence
Lectures on Topological K-theory
Conference on Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Program on Physics of Hydrodynamic Turbulence
Conference on Physics of Hydrodynamic Turbulence
Program on Galaxy Formation and Evolution
Miniprogram on Colliding Black Holes
Black Holes: Fact and Fiction (Teachers' Conference)
last modified 2025-01-31 ajg